App Development

“Managing and Developing a Makeup Product: My Responsibilities as Project Manager and Backend Developer”

1-It is a group project every member has responsibilities, I am member 1 , (Project Manager and
Backend Developer) as you can see in the file ( yellow highlighted) . You are required to do my responsibilities only .
2-All the details will be in the file so please read it very carefully and don’t miss any paragraph before you start working .
3-Our products are makeup 4- after you finish you should do a presentation explains all the work you do , to let me understand because there is a discussion session to me .

App Development

Form Handling in Web Applications Form Handling in Web Applications: Login and Contact Forms

Form Handling
The web application should contain at least one form handling. Be sure to validate all the elements of the form. (1.5 marks)
The web application should contain at least one sticky form (0.5 mark)
b. For the Form handling part, the student must copy and paste, for each web page, his/her HTML script and add a screenshot of the output with a brief explication. The screenshots must cover different scenarios.
i want : Login and sign in form (sticky form) Contact us form ( handlding form) And format the page Like picture i send

App Development

Forensic Report: Unidentified Human Remains Case Study

Hi, I’m struggling to finish this forensic case study. I need someone who knows how to write a forensic report. I need help on figuring out how to write the report summary. as well as writing a biological profile, trauma analysis, expert opinion, and especially appendices. As well as filling out the skeleton inventory and dental records which is also attached.I have attached a forensic report template as well. Everything you need to write is attached.Included in the case study you also need to have a stature measurement. so here is the template for that:

App Development

Modifying the SportsPro App with TempData Messages

In this practice exercise, you will be guided through modifying the SportsPro app, so it uses TempData to display messages when an add, update, or deleted database operation for a product is successful. Upon completing this exercise, you should be able to enhance the SportsPro application by displaying useful messages and data to the end user to improve the end user experience. Follow along with the instruction sheet and Panopto videos provided for the SportsPro – Use TempData to display messages. The videos will guide you step-by-step through including informative messages with data to inform the end user when a database operation is successful. You may use the starter application files provided below to begin this assignment.
Practice 8-1 SportsPro (instruction sheet only)
Practice Tutorial 8-1 SportsProTempDataMessages.html (links to instruction sheet and videos with zip file)

App Development

Efficient Data Transfer in SportsPro: Using View Models for Incident Management

In this practice exercise, you will be guided through modifying the SportsPro app to use a view model to pass data to the Incident Manager page and its Add/Edit Incident page. Upon completing this exercise, you should be able to improve efficiency of passing data to views using view models. Follow along with the instruction sheet and Panopto videos provided for the SportsPro – Use a view model with the Incidents Manager Practice Tutorial. The videos will guide you step-by-step through improving the transfer of data using a view model. You may use the starter application files provided below to begin this assignment.
Practice 8-2 SportsPro (instruction sheet only)
Practice Tutorial 8-2 SportsProIncidentsViewModels.html (links to instruction sheet and videos with zip file)
Video Instructions for Completing Practice 8-2 SportsPro
Instructions for Practice 8-2 Specification #1 Use a view model to pass data to the Incident Manager page01 Practice 8-2-1 Create the IncidentListViewModel class (15min 10sec)
02 Practice 8-2-1 Update the List action method in the Incident Controller to use the IncidentListViewModel to pass data to the Incident List view (10min 12sec)
03 Practice 8-2-1 Update the Incident List View to use the IncidentListViewModel to receive data (5min 17sec)
Instructions for Practice 8-2 Specification #2 Use a view model to pass data to the Add/Edit Incident page01 Practice 8-2-2 Create the IncidentViewModel class (8min 34sec)
02 Practice 8-2-2 Update the Add action method of the Incident Controller to use the IncidentViewModel to pass data to the AddEdit view (6min 34sec)
03 Practice 8-2-2 Update the Edit action method of the Incident Controller to use the IncidentViewModel to pass data to the AddEdit view (7min 24sec)
04 Practice 8-2-2 Update the Save action method of the Incident Controller to use the IncidentViewModel to save data to the database (11min 35sec)
05 Practice 8-2-2 Update the Incident AddEdit View to use the IncidentViewModel to receive data (30min 17sec)