Law and Legal Issues

Title: “The Homelessness Crisis: A Call to Action for All”

Remember, the introduction is where you introduce the topic at hand, provide necessary background information, and end with your thesis statement. Since this essay is fairly short, your introduction should be no more than one paragraph in length. Please revise. This is your chance to find a creative way to introduce this topic and draw in your reader’s interest. Perhaps you can create an intriguing character in a very short story, one that explains how homelessness affects us all. Remember, your reader will be very well-versed in your topic. They simply have a different stance on your thesis.
Your recognition of opposing positions should be more precise, and you can provide arguments and research specifically to address these opposing positions.(Make sure you present opposing views to your argument: Arguments supporting the thesis statement acknowledge opposing positions and provide arguments and research specifically to address these opposing positions.)
Include more outside evidence, for you counter arguments.
Include transitional phrases to add fluidity to your essay.
Be sure your final draft is formatted according to APA guidelines.

Law and Legal Issues

Title: “The Impact of Brown v. Board of Education on Civil Rights and Judicial Activism”

Supreme Court Research Paper
Prof. Ghibesi
Poli-161 / American Federal Government
All students will choose a landmark Supreme Court case of your choice. Your paper
should contain the following parts:
1. A summary of the case.
a. Your summary should include the background of your case.
b. Be sure to include all of the important players involved in your case.
c. Incorporate the history of the case (how did the trial courts / appellate
courts rule)
2. An in depth analysis of your case. Be sure to discuss all relevant opinions. If
there is a concurring or dissenting opinion incorporate this into your analysis.
Be sure to explain why the court ruled the way it did.
a. Include all Constitutional amendments that apply to your case. Be sure
to explain how these amendments are present.
b. Discuss the ramifications of your case. Was there a precedent
established? If so, what was it?
c. What pertinent issues were brought up in your case?
d. What societal factors influenced the court’s ruling?
e. Did the makeup of the court influence the opinion?
f. Be sure to make connections to course content. (Judicial Activism…)
3. A conclusion. Your conclusion should tie everything together. You may wish
to incorporate your opinion into your conclusion. (What did you learn from this
case? Are you surprised by this ruling? Do you think the court would have ruled
differently now?)
✓ This paper can not meet the expected criteria in anything less than 5 pages.
✓ Required Length: 5-7 pages.
✓ Students are required to use 6 additional sources to aid in their analysis.
✓ TWO of the above sources should be from a scholarly journal. For law related
topics you may wish to take a look at JSTOR. This is an excellent database and I
believe you will find it extremely helpful.
✓ As always this term paper should be typed, double spaced and have one inch
margins. Typed assignments should be written in Times New Roman font and must
be size 12. Anyone who does not follow these guidelines will not receive full credit
for the assignment. Papers which are not type written or fail to follow MLA
guidelines will have points deducted. All papers should be checked for spelling and
grammar. Basic spelling and grammar is a distraction and will lessen the quality of
your paper as a whole. Purdue University has an excellent online explanation of
MLA format which can be found at the link below.
Be sure to incorporate in-paragraph citations in accordance with MLA format.
✓ Paper must include a title page, page numbers and a works cited page in accordance
with MLA or APA format. Papers not submitted in MLA or APA format will not
be accepted. Papers that do not meet the length requirements will not be accepted.

Law and Legal Issues

“The Struggle for Balance: Examining the Tensions between Individual Rights and Societal Interests in Liberal Democracies”

Critically assess how the rights of the individual and society fail to be balanced in liberal democracies. This is the question and a good answer would include This question sought answers that engaged with a failure of liberal democracies to balance the rights of individuals and society. Examples could be used including those of a topical nature – such as protesters who may seemingly cause disadvantages to the economy or productivity of society or inconvenience other members of society who need to carry out other roles and are impeded by such action. his question would…
have an excellent structure and strong distinctive analytical voice; clearly linking liberalism with balancing the rights of individuals and society. The question is phrased negatively and candidates should show awareness of the tensions between individual freedom and society’s interests. The focus ought to be on liberal democracies. Students therefore need to clearly demonstrate knowledge of all these issues in good answers and clearly engage with the question. Material and relevant case law should be taken from the guide.

Law and Legal Issues

“Exploring the Impact of the Canadian Guide to Uniform Legal Citations on Legal Scholarship: A Literature Review”

footnotes and bibliography will be using the Canadian Guide to Uniform Legal Citations ie McGill citation style. Please do a literature review on the following articles i have attached.

Law and Legal Issues

Title: Navigating the Complexities of Immigration Laws and Policies: Challenges and Solutions

The Challenges of Immigration Laws and Policies
Important Info
The order was placed through a short procedure (customer skipped some order details).
Please clarify some paper details before starting to work on the order.
Type of paper and subject
Number of sources and formatting style
Type of service (writing, rewriting, etc)

Law and Legal Issues

Title: “Exploring the Legal Implications of Artificial Intelligence: A Literature Review”

20 pages
footnotes and bibliography will be using the Canadian Guide to Uniform Legal Citations ie McGill citation style. Please do a literature review on the following articles i have attached.

Law and Legal Issues

Title: The Impact of Skipping Order Details on the Quality of a Customer’s Experience

Instructions will be uploaded later.
Important Info
The order was placed through a short procedure (customer skipped some order details).
Please clarify some paper details before starting to work on the order.
Type of paper and subject
Number of sources and formatting style
Type of service (writing, rewriting, etc)

Law and Legal Issues

“Legal Analysis of Land Reform in Estonia: A Study of Case Law and the 1991/1992 Land Reform Act”

Hi! So I need an educated in law person to help me with part of my thesis. 1)Overall 10 pages of text needs to be written and adopted into my work. 5 of those pages are analysis of 5 law cases and other 5 pages are analysis of land reform act of Estonia 1991/1992, which is 37 pages long and has 9 parts in it.

Law and Legal Issues

“Petition for Clarification of Order Details and Proper Completion of Services”

Help creating a petition
Important Info

The order was placed through a short procedure (customer skipped some order details).
Please clarify some paper details before starting to work on the order.

Type of paper and subject
Number of sources and formatting style
Type of service (writing, rewriting, etc)

Law and Legal Issues

“Petition for Clarification of Order Details and Proper Completion of Services”

Help creating a petition
Important Info

The order was placed through a short procedure (customer skipped some order details).
Please clarify some paper details before starting to work on the order.

Type of paper and subject
Number of sources and formatting style
Type of service (writing, rewriting, etc)