World lit

Title: “The Interplay of Love and Friendship in the Epic of Gilgamesh”

what is the relationship between love and friendship in the epic of gilgamesh 5 pages essay with in texts citations?

World lit

Analyzing the Rhetorical Stance in “How LGBTQ Pride Month became a Branded Holiday”

Please read the article “How LGBTQ Pride Month became a Branded Holiday Links to an external site.”, and analyze the rhetorical stance that the author is making. This assignment is your first introduction to rhetorical analysis and how we, as the audience, are persuaded by the thoughts of others. Your task is to look over the article and give a response of two full paragraphs by which you identify the argument that Abad-Santos is making and why his viewpoints are valid or faulty..
( You can copy and paste the title into Google, and it’s an article on )