Discovery Writting

Dear Professor, First of all, I would like to thank you for teaching this class and providing us with a challenging yet rewarding learning experience. As the semester comes to an end, I wanted to take this opportunity to reflect on my experience in this

I have to write 2 letters one to the professor one to myslef both letters have to be 2pages even though i put 4 i did that to make it two and two. The letter to the professor basically about what was interesting to me about the class. We had to write papers om Memos, 
Proposals, Annotated bibliographies, video postcast. Second letter is to myself and answer the following questions. Below are the instructions.
Two letters
For the Course Portfolio, the student will write a letter addressing me and a letter addressing yourself.  
Student will reflect on the questions below and then construct a two page, 2x spaced letter addressed to the teacher answering the following questions:
What portions of the class were interesting/compelling to the student?
What portions of the class were less interesting/not compelling to the student?
What delivery or materials might have helped a student in this class?
Student will reflect and then construct a two page, 2x spaced letter addressed to the student answering the following questions:
What aspects of scholarship, study, reading, writing, or responding did the student do well?
What aspects of scholarship, study, reading, writing, or responding could the student improve upon?
Note: Letters should begin
Dear Professor/Student’s name, then begin the letter (DO NOT SPACE DOWN THE PAGE).