english humanities and art

“Analyzing Primary Material: A Final Project on Critical Engagement and Methodologies”

Final Project
project is a testament to your ability to engage with the primary and
critical material of the class, as well as the analytical methodologies
deployed throughout the semester. Any material dealt with should be
properly researched and cited with an emphasis on analysis over
generalization and simple summary. Papers and projects which simply
regurgitate other opinions or perspectives will not score well. You have
all demonstrated the ability to offer fruitful analysis and this is
your opportunity to utilize those faculties within the project of your
choosing. While it would be easier to have the focal subject of your
project be a text we discussed in class you may choose a subject at
will. You may not submit work for other classes, but if you choose
option 2 you may choose a research subject from another class.
Option 1: Final Research Paper
Requirements Checklist
A clear thesis statement / analytical perspective introduced within the first page
A bibliography or work cited
In text citation for any quoted or paraphrased material (either within the paragraph, footnotes, or endnotes)
Roughly 6 sources (a combination of primary and secondary with a preference for secondary sources) *
7-12 pages and no more than 15 ((bibliography / work cited not included
in page count) (any ostentatious front matter not included in the page
count)) *
12pt font double spaced with regular margins
Papers should be submitted via BB before or by May 14th.

The page count and source count are at your discretion but be aware
that any paper under 7 pages and under 6 sources will be more severely
scrutinized. It is of course possible to write an excellent paper below
these parameters – it is just more difficult and thus you will be graded
Option 2: Extended Annotated Bibliography
1: Your bibliography must be accompanied by a project overview which
covers any or all of the following: The analytical perspective of the
project; the project’s engagement or discursive relationship with other
primary or academic material (i.e., an outline of what theoretical ideas
or arguments your project is discussing); the ways in which it engages
with the methodologies or materials from the course; materials which
inspired you creatively.
Component 1 Requirements Checklist
A clear thesis statement / analytical perspective introduced within the first page.
In text citation for any quoted or paraphrased material (either within the paragraph, footnotes, or endnotes)
1-2 pages ((bibliography / work cited not included in page count) (any
ostentatious front matter not included in the page count))
12pt font double spaced with regular margins.
Overviews should be submitted via BB before or by May 14th.
2: The Annotated Bibliography, a mix of primary and secondary material
with a preference for secondary material (i.e., you may not use more
than 5 primary sources as part of your bibliography). Outside of the 5
primary sources you must use academic peer reviewed sources.
Component 2 Requirements Checklist
A bibliography of 25-30 sources
The correct bibliographic citation for each source
short annotation paragraph for 5-10 of your sources (Roughly 50-100
words) precis of your source which includes a description of the
source’s argument; a description of its relevance to the primary text.
A key quote correctly cited for 5-10 sources.