Database Design and Implementation

“Exploring SQL Queries in the State_Capitals Database” Author Info: John Smith Create Date: 10/15/2021 Description: This project explores the use of SQL queries in the State_Capitals database to retrieve specific

Open the Excel workbook from the link. The workbook contains the DDLs and data for the four tables in the
‘State_Capitals’ database needed to complete this project. 
Introduction: What is SQL? What is the main purpose of the structured query language? What are SQL comments? 
Body: Use the database ‘State_Capitals’, construct five SQL statements for the following:
What is Country Name and Country Population? 
What is the capital city of California? 
What is the capital with the least population? 
What is the one with the most population? 
What is the size of the largest state? 
What is the size of the smallest state? 
List the region name, state name and capital name for every state in the United States of America.
*** Only include the SQL statements, not data *** 
You must use either single line or block comments to document each of your query. 
At a minimum, you need:
Author Info,
Create Date,
Updated by,
Last updated date. Example: What is Country Code and Country Name?
Conclusion: Summarize how joins have been used in the above SQL statements to deliver the right results. Summarize
how you would use comments to document your codes.
Submit your project in a word document format. Your assignment should be at least two pages in length. APA Style is not
required for this assignment.