Intro Criminology

Title: Exploring the Intersection of Education and Punishment: A Comparative Analysis of “College Behind Bars” and “Boys of Baraka”

Watch two films (“College Behind Bars 1: “No One Taught Me Any of That” and “Boys of Baraka”) and paper (2-3 pages, double-spaced) on the theme of ‹ education and punishment. In your paper:
• Choose one (or two) boys in Boys of Baraka, a his experience using one (or more) theory we r in class, and
• Discuss lessons you learned from two films ab education and punishment. Refer to concrete in both films. What episodes/scenes in these f the strongest impression on you and why?
• Based on what you learned from these films, ( what your ideal prison would look like. Explair think it would be ideal, and how these films in your view. I This assignment will be submitted to Turnitin™.

Intro Criminology

“The Impact of Incarceration: Lessons from Three Men’s Journeys in San Quentin State Prison” In the documentary “Lives in San Quentin,” we are introduced to the stories of three men – Harrison, Noel, and Chris – who

This documentary follows the life journeys of three men, Harrison, Noel, and Chris, after they spent most of their lives in San Quentin State Prison in California. Watch the film, and discuss the impact of incarceration on incarcerated individuals, families, and the community at large drawing on examples in the film.
In your response, select one or more theories we discussed in class, and discuss how it might help explain their stories.
Your post should refer to concrete contents/episodes of the film and in a substantial length (Approx 300 words). Write your post so that I can tell which part of the film or which character in the film you are referring to. Abstract and generic posts will not be accepted. What, in your opinion, we can do to help reintegrating those who have completed their time in prison and curtail recidivism? Discuss what we can do collectively as a society (e.g., creating policies, changing the system) AND what actions each of us can take as a member of society. (Curious learning more about lives in San Quentin