
Title: “The Impact of Skipping Order Details on the Customer Experience”

Instructions will be uploaded later.
Important Info
The order was placed through a short procedure (customer skipped some order details).
Please clarify some paper details before starting to work on the order.
Type of paper and subject
Number of sources and formatting style
Type of service (writing, rewriting, etc)


Genco Pura Olive Oil Customer Orders Program Creating a Customer Object and Reading Orders

304,11-15-2021, GOL1492, Refined Olive 0i1, 1,11.99
119,12-20-2021, GOL1399,Virgin Olive Oil, 5,40.00
689,01-11-2022, GOL1258, Extra-Virgin Olive
0i1, 2,22.00
304,01-24-2022, GOL8901, 01ive Pumace Oil, 1,6.00
912,02-01-2022, GOL1492,Refined Olive Oil, 2,23.98
592,02-04-2022,GOL1258,Extra-Virgin Olive oil, 1,11.00
120,02-10-2022,GOL1776, Pure Olive 011,1,12.99
912,03-14-2022,GOL1399, Virgin Olive Oil,1,8.00
119,03-17-2022, GOL1492, Refined Olive 011, 1, 11.99
304,04-05-2022, GOL1258,Extra-Virgin Olive Oil, 1,11.00
120,04-15-2022, GOL1258, Extra-Virgin Olive Oil, 1,11.00
986,04-20-2022, GOL1399, Virgin Olive Oil, 4, 32.00
512,04-24-2022, GOL8901, 01ive Pumace Oil, 1,6.00
This is orders.txt
Here is customers.txt
Here is the assignment Genco Pura Olive Oil has a file that contains its customers, a file that contains the
customers’ orders, and has begun creating a program to read the files and print the
contents in a human-readable format.
Files to submit:
Input files:
There are two input files. The first one is called customers.txt. Each line of this input
file contains a customer number and name separated by a comma. The second input
file is called orders.txt. This file contains lines each corresponding to an order. Each
line contains a customer number, the order date, a product code, a product name,
quantity, and order total all separated by commas.
In a file called ˂yourLastName˃, create a class called
˂yourLastName˃Customer. My file would be called and my
class would be called ConwayCustomer.
The class will have three attributes (also called instance variables): an int called
number, a string called name, and a list called orders. The list will contain a list of
tuples, each corresponding to an order for that customer.
Define a constructor (init) method. In addition to self, the constructor will define
two more parameters, one for customer number, and one for customer name. Set
the list (called orders) to an empty list.
Define a method addOrder(). In addition to self, this method will define one more
parameter, a tuple called order. Add this tuple to the list attribute called orders.
Define the __str__() method. An object’s str() method builds and returns a string
representation of an object’s state. This allows an object to be sent to the print()
function (as is occurring in the main method). Create a string that includes the
customer’s name and number. Then append to this string all the orders in the orders
list. Loop over the list and add the items in the tuple to the string. The items in a
tuple can be accessed the same way the items in a list can be accessed – using the
name of the tuple and the index as a subsсrіpt.
A file called is provided to you and is partially completed. Change
this filename to run˂yourLastName˃ My file would be called This file contains an import statement, a main method, a
function called readCustomers(), and the function header of a function you will
create called readOrders(). You will have to modify the import statement to from
˂yourLastName˃Customer import ˂yourLastName˃Customer. My
import statement would be from conwayCustomer import
The main method calls a function called readCustomers() that opens an input file,
reads the contents, and returns a dictionary. It then calls a function called
readOrders() that takes that dictionary as a parameter; this function will read from
an input file called orders.txt and add the orders to the appropriate customer. The
main method then loops through the customer dictionary and prints each customer.
Function readCustomers()
The function readCustomers() is already written. This function opens the input file,
customers.txt, for reading. An empty dictionary is created. The dictionary will map a
customer’s number to a customer object. As each line of the input file is read in as a
string, the string is split using the comma delimiter. This returns a list. The first item
in the resulting list is the customer number and the second item is the customer
name. The customer object is created by calling the Customer class’ constructor
(init) method using these values. An entry is made into the dictionary using the
customer number as the key and the Customer object as the value (you’ll have to
modify this to reflect your class name). Finally, the dictionary is returned.
Function readOrders()
You are creating the readOrders() function. This function takes as its parameter the
dictionary filled with customer number/customer object key/value pairs. This
function should open the input file, orders.txt, for reading. It should then loop
through the file in a similar way as the readCustomers() function, as the values are
also delimited by commas.
Get the customer object from the dictionary. This can be done using the dictionary
get() method and sending the customer number. The get method can take a second
argument that is returned if the customer number is not a key in the dictionary.
If the customer exists in the dictionary, create a tuple consisting of the date (a
string), the product code (a string), a product name (a string), the quantity (an int),
and the order total (a float). Add this tuple to the customer’s list orders by sending it to customers addOrder() method.
Important Info
The order was placed through a short procedure (customer skipped some order details).
Please clarify some paper details before starting to work on the order.
Type of paper and subject
Number of sources and formatting style
Type of service (writing, rewriting, etc)


Title: “The Impact of Skipping Order Details on Customer Satisfaction: A Case Study”

Instructions will be uploaded later.
Important Info
The order was placed through a short procedure (customer skipped some order details).
Please clarify some paper details before starting to work on the order.
Type of paper and subject
Number of sources and formatting style
Type of service (writing, rewriting, etc)


“Converting a 1D Heat Equation Code to 2D in MATLAB”

I have this 1D code in MATLAB I want to use the same code but convert it to 2D there is an error in this code I tired many time to figure it out put I can’t. I replaced the 3 here ( f = 3 * DuDx;) with ( k/(rho*cp) :
% Define parameters and discretization
m = 0; % Coefficient for a 1D simulation
k = 1.4; % Thermal conductivity
rho = 1.225; % Density
cp = 1.005; % Specific heat capacity
x = linspace(0, 10, 50); % Spatial grid
t = linspace(0.1, 10, 50); % Time grid
% Solve the PDE using pdepe
sol = pdepe(m, @pdex4pde, @pdex4ic, @pdex4bc, x, t);
% Extract the solution
u1 = sol(:,:,1);
% Plotting the solution
surf(x, t, u1);
xlabel(′Space (x)′);
ylabel(′Time (t)′);
zlabel(′Heat Density u(x,t)′);
title(′Heat Equation Solution′);
function [c, f, s] = pdex4pde(x, t, u, DuDx)
% Define the coefficients of the PDE: c * dudt = x * dfdx + s
Z = k / (rho * cp);
c = 1; % Coefficient multiplying the time derivative
f = Z * DuDx; % Coefficient multiplying the spatial derivative
s = 0; % Source term (if any)
function u0 = pdex4ic(x)
% Initial condition function: u0(x) at t = 0
u0 = 300; % Initial heat density
function [pl, ql, pr, qr] = pdex4bc(xl, ul, xr, ur, t)
% Boundary condition function
% Left boundary (Dirichlet condition): u(xl, t) = ul
pl = ul; % Value of the solution at the left boundary
ql = 0; % Flux condition at the left boundary (unused here)
% Right boundary (Neumann condition): du/dx = ur – 1
pr = ur – 1; % Flux condition at the right boundary
qr = 0; % Value of the solution at the right boundary (unused here)


User Interface Design for a Digital Marketing Agency Step 1. Define Your UI Project Objectives: PDF Report Creating a User-Friendly and Professional Interface for a Digital Marketing Agency Website Project Description: The objective of this project is Final Project Presentation Preparation and Usability Testing Report

User Interface′s Conceptual
Framework & Principles
Step 1. Define Your UI Project Objectives: (PDF Report)
– Clearly identify the purpose and goals of your website or application project.
Considering the business related industries that related to your interests such
as Digital Marketing Agency, E-Commerce Stores, Online Learning Platforms,
and others. This will help you stay focused and ensure that your design aligns
with the desired outcomes.
– Outcome: 100 words of the project desсrіption
Step 2. Research and Gather Inspiration: (PDF Report)
– Explore existing websites or applications similar to your project idea from the
available resourcessuch as Printerest, Behance, and others. Analyse their user
interface designs, layouts, and functionality to gather inspiration and identify
best practices that you can incorporate into your own design focusing on
delivering user-friendly and strong branding identity.
– Outcome: 5 pages if user-interface research references based on design
Step 3. Create Wireframes and Prototypes: (PDF Report + Prototype Link)
– Begin the design process by creating digital wireframes on Canva, XMind, or
Office, and create a basic prototypes using tools such as Figma, WIX, or Adobe
XD . This will help you visualise the layout and flow of the user interface, and
allow for early feedback and iteration. Be reminded that the free version is
adequate to complete the project.
– Outcome: Wireframe + Prototype using the tool of your choice
Step 4. Develop a Visual Aesthetics: (PDF Report + Prototype Link)
– Select a colour palette, typography, and imagery that align with your project
objectives. Create a consistent visual style across all pages or screens to
ensure a unified and professional look and feel.
– Outcome: Visual look and feel of the previous wireframe + prototype link to the
Figma/WIX or Adobe XD platforms.
Step 5. Design for Usability: (PDF Report + Prototype Link)
– Prioritise usability by creating intuitive and user-friendly interfaces. Consider
user flows, information hierarchy, and accessibility guidelines to ensure a
positive user experience.
– Outcome: 5 pages of user-friendly navigation chart stating user flows
throughout the platform. E.g. When users interacting with the home pages,
what are the options to go for next steps with a call-to-actions such as buttons,
highlighted links, or multimedia.
Step 6. Incorporating Creative Programmes: (PDF Report + Prototype
– Utilise tools like Canva, Adobe Photoshop, or Adobe Illustrator to create and
edit multimedia assets such as images, videos, or icons that enhance the visual
appeal of your design. Make sure that you import all creative assets and assign
its features and functions effectively.
– Outcome: 5 pages of creative original visuals that implemented by student′s
own work such as logo, color theme, visuals of products and services,
photographs, and videos.
Step 7. Build a Complete Site with Figma/WIX: (PDF Report + Prototype
– Utilise the Figma/WIX platform to bring your design to life. They offers a userfriendly drag-and-drop interface, allowing you to easily build and customise
websites based on your creative approach. The ideal complete site consists of
Home Page, Menu Bar, Footer, About Page, Product/Service Page, and
Contact Page. You are also have the flexibility to implement the social media
account that compliment your UI project.
– Outcome: complete website with Figma/WIX
Step 8. Ensure Responsiveness and Encourage Interactivity: (PDF Report
+ Prototype Link)
– Test your design on various devices and screen sizes to ensure that it is
responsive and adapts well. Use Figma′s responsive design features or WIX′s
built-in responsiveness options to make necessary adjustments.
– Outcome: Test website for responsiveness and interactivity
Step 9. Conduct Self-Usability Testing and Review Submission: (PDF
Report + Prototype Link)
– Validate your design by conducting self-usability testing before submitting your
final project for a review. Be reminded that the fully-functional and visually
appealing projects will be the key to be approved for the final project
presentation. The format will be a pdf report that includes all progressions from
the beginning of the course with prototype link.
– Outcome: Usability tests
Step 10. Final Project Presentation Preparation: (PDF Report + Prototype
– Build final project presentation
– Outcome: 10 slides of the final project presentation


User Interface Design: A Comprehensive Framework for Digital Marketing Agency Website Final Project Presentation Preparation: Building a Visually Appealing and Functional Prototype with Usability Testing Results

User Interface′s Conceptual
Framework & Principles
Step 1. Define Your UI Project Objectives: (PDF Report)
– Clearly identify the purpose and goals of your website or application project.
Considering the business related industries that related to your interests such
as Digital Marketing Agency, E-Commerce Stores, Online Learning Platforms,
and others. This will help you stay focused and ensure that your design aligns
with the desired outcomes.
– Outcome: 100 words of the project desсrіption
Step 2. Research and Gather Inspiration: (PDF Report)
– Explore existing websites or applications similar to your project idea from the
available resourcessuch as Printerest, Behance, and others. Analyse their user
interface designs, layouts, and functionality to gather inspiration and identify
best practices that you can incorporate into your own design focusing on
delivering user-friendly and strong branding identity.
– Outcome: 5 pages if user-interface research references based on design
Step 3. Create Wireframes and Prototypes: (PDF Report + Prototype Link)
– Begin the design process by creating digital wireframes on Canva, XMind, or
Office, and create a basic prototypes using tools such as Figma, WIX, or Adobe
XD . This will help you visualise the layout and flow of the user interface, and
allow for early feedback and iteration. Be reminded that the free version is
adequate to complete the project.
– Outcome: Wireframe + Prototype using the tool of your choice
Step 4. Develop a Visual Aesthetics: (PDF Report + Prototype Link)
– Select a colour palette, typography, and imagery that align with your project
objectives. Create a consistent visual style across all pages or screens to
ensure a unified and professional look and feel.
– Outcome: Visual look and feel of the previous wireframe + prototype link to the
Figma/WIX or Adobe XD platforms.
Step 5. Design for Usability: (PDF Report + Prototype Link)
– Prioritise usability by creating intuitive and user-friendly interfaces. Consider
user flows, information hierarchy, and accessibility guidelines to ensure a
positive user experience.
– Outcome: 5 pages of user-friendly navigation chart stating user flows
throughout the platform. E.g. When users interacting with the home pages,
what are the options to go for next steps with a call-to-actions such as buttons,
highlighted links, or multimedia.
Step 6. Incorporating Creative Programmes: (PDF Report + Prototype
– Utilise tools like Canva, Adobe Photoshop, or Adobe Illustrator to create and
edit multimedia assets such as images, videos, or icons that enhance the visual
appeal of your design. Make sure that you import all creative assets and assign
its features and functions effectively.
– Outcome: 5 pages of creative original visuals that implemented by student′s
own work such as logo, color theme, visuals of products and services,
photographs, and videos.
Step 7. Build a Complete Site with Figma/WIX: (PDF Report + Prototype
– Utilise the Figma/WIX platform to bring your design to life. They offers a userfriendly drag-and-drop interface, allowing you to easily build and customise
websites based on your creative approach. The ideal complete site consists of
Home Page, Menu Bar, Footer, About Page, Product/Service Page, and
Contact Page. You are also have the flexibility to implement the social media
account that compliment your UI project.
– Outcome: complete website with Figma/WIX
Step 8. Ensure Responsiveness and Encourage Interactivity: (PDF Report
+ Prototype Link)
– Test your design on various devices and screen sizes to ensure that it is
responsive and adapts well. Use Figma′s responsive design features or WIX′s
built-in responsiveness options to make necessary adjustments.
– Outcome: Test website for responsiveness and interactivity
Step 9. Conduct Self-Usability Testing and Review Submission: (PDF
Report + Prototype Link)
– Validate your design by conducting self-usability testing before submitting your
final project for a review. Be reminded that the fully-functional and visually
appealing projects will be the key to be approved for the final project
presentation. The format will be a pdf report that includes all progressions from
the beginning of the course with prototype link.
– Outcome: Usability tests
Step 10. Final Project Presentation Preparation: (PDF Report + Prototype
– Build final project presentation
– Outcome: 10 slides of the final project presentation


Perfect Tic-Tac-Toe: Implementing a Tree ADT for Guaranteed Wins

Problem Desсrіption
You are to develop a program that plays the perfect game of Tic-tac-toe. It should never lose. Your project can be done in three steps of increasing complexity.
Develop the Tree ADT as an array-based concrete implementation. Your program will then create every possible
Tic-tac-toe board configuration organized as a tree.
Generate a Game Tree of all the possible moves but only print out the first 100. The code for this is shown below in section 2.2. The root of the tree is the empty board. Turn in and (which will include the main method which prints the first 100 board positions).
I attached the TestTreeADT below.