diversity identity

Exploring My Family’s Ethnic Identity: A Journey of Cohesion, Conflict, and Cultural Transmission Introduction Growing up in a multicultural and diverse society, I have always been curious about my own family’s ethnic identity and how it has shaped our

You will write a paper on either your family’s ethnicity or other diverse identity, or a group’s ethnic or other diversity identity.
The aim is to explore issues of identity and diversity in a more familiar context of family and/or a familiar group to you.
Your paper should include at least these four sections:
• The first section, select a diversity group, or your family and examine its collective history.
• The second section consider the sources of cohesion, identity, and strength, as well as the sources of stress, discord, and strife which influence the current generation and possibly, the next one.
• The third section explores how your family or the group functions to transmit cultural values, and how it functions in relation to other social systems: e.g., educational, religious, occupational
• The fourth section examine how your family or group compares with the information contained in the literature about people of similar identity – and draw your conclusions.
You can also interview one or two family members or group members if you wish and use short quotes in your paper to enhance and develop your points. You are expected to make references with proper citation to at least 2 of the chapters we have read.
Requirements for Interview Paper: Minimum 7 pages of content (Times New Roman, Font 12, double spaced). If you wish to write more, you are free to do so.