Leadership IN Healthcare Administration

Title: Leveraging Creativity in Healthcare Leadership: An Organizational Analysis

Final Project: Organization Analysis: The purpose of this 10- to 12-page assignment is to demonstrate your knowledge and reflexive thinking gained in this course regarding creativity and leadership issues by applying them to your current healthcare work environment. If you are not currently working in healthcare, the organization can be a current or former place of employment, or a civic, social, religious, or other volunteer organization where you have served.
Compile a thoughtful description of your organization. Imagine you are writing to a person who has never met you before and knows nothing about the organization.
Identify key leadership competencies and expectations that exist in your organization, based on class concepts and constructs (i.e., leading diversity, leading change).
Assess or evaluate the degree to which your organization currently embodies these leadership competencies and assign a specific rating of 1 to 4. This is an “organizational audit” where you scan your organization’s current abilities as a whole. At first blush, this may seem like a deficit-based approach, to some extent, to finding current gaps in how the organization appears to perform.
Produce a timetable for bringing your organization forward beyond this initial snapshot of its performance to be more creative, thus leveraging its strength. This is a strengths-based approach, focusing on building your organization in positive, bold directions. You are formulating a strategic, tactical plan for introducing principles of creativity in your own leadership activities to your team, unit, program, organization, and/or institution.