abnormal psych

Title: “Examining the Portrayal of Alcohol Use Disorder in the Movie 28 Days: A Comprehensive Diagnosis and Etiological Analysis of Gwen’s Character”

I need 6-8 pages including title page and references. The paper should include the following sections: Title Page, Abstract, Body of the Paper, Conclusion, and References. I will attach a file including all details. I need a paper about the main of the movie called 28 days (starring Sandra Bullock), about her character Gwen and the disorder she has. This assignment will involve watching “28 days” and In your paper, I would like you to identify one individual ( Gwen the main character) and provide a comprehensive diagnosis of the character with the disorder and discuss that individual’s symptoms relative to the diagnostic criteria. Alcohol use disorder or substance abuse disorder whichever has a better argument that could be made Please also provide and discuss at least two etiological theories that could account for how this individual developed the disorder. Very importantly, I would like you to consider the positive and negative messages the movie gives the public about people with this disorder, as well as the mental health profession in general.
You will then choose two scholarly articles published in a scientific, peer-reviewed online journal of which the focus is on the diagnosis or etiology of the particular form of psychopathology or disorder portrayed in the movie. I would like you to reference the two scholarly articles and incorporate at least one scholarly journal article in your Research Paper, and discuss how the findings of that article may relate (or not) to the character in the movie.