
Title: The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence: Balancing Autonomy and Responsibility

For the final position paper, consult five academic sources (not including assigned class readings) and compose a 7-page essay (not including cover page and references). The topic can be anything we touched on throughout the entire course, except for topics you wrote about in the first two papers.
Instructions for Position Papers from the Syllabus
Purpose: The research papers in this course invite you to pursue a question more deeply than it was covered in the course materials, with the aid of outside research.
In each of the three papers, research and respond to a philosophical issue touched on in the course materials. Expect to spend time investing sustained thought on issues you find relevant and important on the topics of ethics (paper 1), beauty (paper 2), and any other course subject different from those in your first two papers.
After consulting the prescribed number of academic sources (not counting readings assigned for class) compose an argumentative essay in which you
– outline and argue for your position,
– consider and fairly represent the best objection or two to your position
– and respond to that best objection.
Your argument must actually take and defend a specific position and not just report the range of positions others take. These papers are not a survey of available positions or a history of the topic; they are position papers in which you state and defend a thesis.
You are encouraged to adjust your position as a result of your research. While you need not be fully convinced of your position personally (and you are strongly encouraged to continue exploring lingering questions after this course); nevertheless, your thesis and argument should be firm, specific, well-reasoned, and intellectually humble.


Title: “Exploring the Philosophical Concepts in [Book Title]: A Critical Analysis”

hello you will need to access the book online as the essay is based on the readings from the book . here is the link of the book[%3Bvnd.vst.idref%3DcoverImage]!/4/2[coverImage]/4[cover-image]/2[logoCover]%4076:31
the logins are :
email is *********************** and password is Philosophy2024!


Title: The Evolution of My Views on the Problem of Free Will: A Reflective Analysis and Defense

Attached below is a paper that i have written and I need you to read it and expand the current topic and make it into a 12 page paper (It is already 8 pages long you will only need to add about 4 more pages). it is important to stick to the topic! below is the rubric for my class.
Write a 12-page reflective essay on a philosophical problem that matters to you. 
Students typically choose a paper they’ve written in a prior class that they would like to revise and further expand on. 
In the first part (roughly 4 pages) you reflect on how your views on that problem have evolved; in the second part (roughly 8 pages) you put forward your current view on the matter, drawing on what you have learned. In so doing, please display your knowledge of how the problem has been approached by some major historical figures *or* how it is approached in contemporary philosophy. Be sure to defend your view against likely objections.
The essay should reflect your skills in reading other philosophers’ texts, analyzing and constructing arguments, and expressing your own views in writing in a clear and coherent manner.
For this paper, make sure you: 
• use Times New Roman font, 1” margins all around, 12pt font, double-spaced; 
• state the topic clearly;
• explain the views of other authors clearly and concisely; 
• define all technical terms; 
• argue for your own thesis, providing reasons in support of your claims; 
• respond to objections to your thesis and arguments. 


Developing Critical Thinking and Reasoning: Exploring Important Ideas, Making Arguments, and Examining Beliefs

Required Resources
Read/review the following resources for this activity:
Textbook: Chapter 4, 5
Remember – these journal questions require more thinking than writing. Think about exactly what you are asked to do, and then write as economically as possible.
For this journal assignment, answer each of the following prompts:
Important Idea
Considering only the Introduction to Chapter 5, in terms of developing critical thinking and reasoning, what do you consider is the most valuable and important idea in that section? You can either summarize or directly quote the text; then, briefly explain why you find this idea important and valuable.
Critical Thinking
In Chapter 5, the section “Making Arguments” states: “In some ways applying our core critical thinking skills to analysis can be more difficult than offering an evaluative opinion. Analysis, like interpretation, is understanding at a deep level (p. 89)”
What concepts discussed in Chapter 4 might make analysis of a statement difficult – and why?
Why do you believe what you believe?
What is your “evidence”?
Test one of your beliefs by asking yourself, “Why?” As you answer each “why,” go down another layer – four layers will probably give you a good idea of why you believe what you believe.
Your product should show a well-reasoned and logical basis for your belief. Stay away from the big stuff, like believing in God, or who to vote for in the next election, and don’t look for sources – this is about what you believe and why you believe it. After all, this is only an 8-week course, and we can’t settle everything!
Click on the following link for an example of layers of why:
Example of Layers of Why
Suppose your claim is “All people should work to support their children.” Here is an example of possible “layers of why” for this claim:
Layer 1: People should work to support their children because it is the right thing to do.
Layer 2: It is the right thing to do because it is true that children need to be cared for by adults.
Layer 3: I believe my last statement is true because it is an accurate descriiption of what occurs – that is, very small children sicken and die if adults do not care for their needs; older children may exhibit many physical and emotional deficiencies if they are not properly cared for.
Layer 4: Reasonable attention to the needs of children is just since children are largely dependent on their parents (who, after all, brought them into the world) for all of their needs during the early years of their lives. Furthermore, such attention leads to a healthy, productive and ordered society in which each individual has an opportunity to achieve his or her highest potential.
Don’t be tempted to skip steps. If you start with layer 5, you have just opened up a whole new line of “whys.” For example, why should everyone be afforded an opportunity to reach his or her highest potential? After all, for most of the history of the world, that has not been the case.
If you include references to outside sources (beyond the textbook), make sure you cite them properly.
Writing Requirements (APA format)
Length: 1 ½ -2 pages (not including prompts, title page or references page)
1-inch margins
Double spaced
12-point Times New Roman font
Title page
References page (as needed)


Analyzing the Rhetorical Strategies and Effectiveness of Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s “We Should All Be Feminists”

In this assignment, you will analyze the rhetorical strategies—and whether these strategies are effective—of one of the following: Adichie’s “We Should All Be Feminists,” Graff’s “Hidden Intellectualism,” or Gay’s “The Illusion of Safety/the Safety of Illusion.” Choose just one essay. Your analysis should include an assessment of the context and the rhetorical situation as well as a close analysis of rhetorical appeals. Identify the argument the author makes. If you had to summarize the author’s stance, what would you say is their stance? Now, how does the author develop and support that argument? What strategies and devices do they use? Note key passages, recurring phrases or images, powerful metaphors or analogies, use of real-world examples, and any other textual elements that advance his/her argument. Since ethos, pathos, and logos are universal elements of persuasive writing, you ought to discuss how the author uses one, two, or all three of these rhetorical appeals, as well as other factors that impact the strengths and weaknesses of the author’s argument. Yes, use the words ethos, pathos, and logos in your analysis. Ultimately, you should offer a clear evaluation of their work by addressing this question: How effective is the author’s message?


Title: Virtue in Aristotle’s World: A Mythical Perspective

Choose one of the theories of virtue discussed in course meetings 21-23 (do not choose the same author as for the previous paper):
THEORY CHOSEN: “Aristotle and his definiton of Excellence” Aristotle; Nicomachean Ethics; 
What must the world be like for that theory of virtue to be plausible? Why couldn’t people become virtuous in such a way if the world were different than the author believes, or why wouldn’t people who had become such be considered virtuous in such a different world? (~ 500 words)
What myth, story, or mystical experience might support the claim that the world works as the author believes it does? How would recounting that myth or experience help support the philosophical claims about the world? (~ 500 words)
Do you find the myth, story, or mystical experience plausible? Does it make you want to strive for virtue according to the author’s conception? Or do you find it implausible, and if so why? Does the myth’s implausibility turn you away from seeking virtue according to the author’s conception? (~ 500 words)
You must follow the citation practices and plagiarism warning as for the first paper.
Essays must be submitted on Blackboard by 10:00 PM on Tuesday 21st of May. No late work will be accepted as grading must be completed.


“Exploring the Three Theories of Nature: A Guide for Grandmothers”

write the book report in a way like you’re explaining it to your grandmother Only use the reading provided pages 1-27. 
prompt: Explain the physical theory nature and the mathematical theory of nature and the functional theory of nature and cover Northrop’s comparison and contrasts of the three theories of nature. 
Questions to help guide the report :
Science and First Principles
Chapter 1
The Significance of Contemporary Scientific Thought
What is Northrop’s argument for why it is necessary to go back and study the development of science in Ancient Greece with regard to problems in contemporary science?
Greek Science
What according to Northop is the meaning behind Thales’ declaration “All things are full of gods”?
The Physical Theory of Nature
Explain the physical theory of nature (physicality)
According to Northrop, what the two immediate facts observed by the Thales and Heraclitus?
According to Northrop why is what Thales and Heraclitus noticed is universal in its character?
According to Northrop what is the significance of Parmenides? What is the contradiction that Parmenides discovers?
According to Northrop what does “being” mean in relation to the physical? Why does this make science possible?
The Mathematical Theory of Nature
Explain the mathematical theory of nature (rationality)
Try your best to explain that according to Northrop what led some to believe that the real was rational as opposed to physical?
What is according to Northrop the similarities and differences between the physical and mathematical theories of nature?
What are the three consequences of the mathematical theory of nature?
[Note don’t worry and the fallacy of affirming the consequent]
The Functional Theory of Nature
Explain the functional theory of nature (functionality)
What is the significance of Aristotle for this theory?
Why according to Northrop does Aristotle reject “being” for a philosophy of “becoming”?
What is the significance of organization (form and material cause) in Aristotle’s philosophy?
What is it that led Aristotle to the principle in becoming in terms of generation, organization, matter, and form?
Why does the real change its properties?
Why is abstraction important and how does it differ from the method of the mathematical theory of nature?
The Problem of Matter and Form
Why does Ancient Greek science have a philosophical character? How is this different from Modern science?
Why must the Moderns reconceptualize their understanding of philosophy?
On P. 25 Northrop lists for each theory its five principles. List them all for each theory. Which principles do each of the three theories have in common and which ones differ?


Title: “Deconstructing Language: The Empiricist Perspective on Linguistic Constructivism”

Please write a philosophical paper on linguistic constructivism. Argue that knowledge about language and knowledge itself is a result of empiricism and is not as concrete and objective as it seems. Use one source to introduce the idea, use the 2nd source to introduce a strong counter argument, and use the last source to defend the argument the paper is ultimately trying to make. 


“Examining Rawls’ Theory of Justice and Mill’s Utilitarianism as Solutions to Racial Bias in the Social Contract”

3. Rawls’ Theory of Justice and Mill’s Utilitarianism: Evaluating Their Efficacy in Combatting Racial Bias in the Social Contract.


Exploring Arguments on Knowledge and Certainty: A Discussion of Gettier, Unger, and Descartes

Discussion Board Topic:
1) Explain Edmund Gettier’s argument from his article, Is Justified True Belief Knowledge? Present an argument either in defense or against Edmund Gettier’s objections to the justified-true-belief notion of knowledge. 
2) Explain Peter Unger’s argument from his piece, An Argument for Skepticism. Do you think Peter Unger is correct to claim that certainty is required for knowledge? If so, then offer an argument in defense of his position. If not, then offer an argument in objection to his position. 
3) Does Descartes argument about his own existence give us reason to reject Unger’s claim that certainty requires one to be dogmatic, and thus it is unreasonable to claim certainty? If so, then offer an argument in defense of this position. If not, then offer an argument in objection to this position.
Discussion Board Guidelines
Answer the set of questions above in a minimum of three full paragraphs. So, there will be one full paragraph for each question. 
a. The post must be at least three paragraphs in length. 
b. The post must display a detailed understanding of the material
contained in the discussion question. 
c. The post must include an argument in support of a position that is
directly connected and in response to a specific argument articulated
by one of the philosophers assigned for the course. 
d. When forming your argument, do not ignore the issues that the
philosopher presents. You must address counter arguments to your
e. Do not copy and paste, or borrow information from online
sources. The post should be your own original writing, and it should
be directly connected to the assigned readings for the course.
NOTE: Please do not use any outside resources to complete the discussion post. Please only use the resources provided below in order to complete the discussion post. Which are YouTube videos and documents.
YouTube Videos: