Worldview and complex problems

Title: Exploring a Biblical Approach to Parenting and Health: Navigating Complex Problems in Western Medicine

Good evening all these assignments go 
together to write research paper. Please  review the Worldview & Complex Problems Project Overview as well as some potential topics Selecting a Complex Problem. In a written document, please include your proposed topic you would like to pursue, why you are interested in it, and a brief overview of how you plan to approach the topic. It’s okay if you don’t yet have a plan, but if you have a solution in mind, resources you’re using, or a rationale for the selection, this is a great place to share them. 500 word minimum. 
Use 3-4 questions from each Mode of Inquiry in your submission.
Discursive Inquiry: What have others written/said about this issue/problem? What are their underlying assumptions? What are their logical fallacies? What perspective shifts can offer a new understanding of the issue/problem? How might language be used to solve this issue/problem? How might the written word address this issue/problem (i.e. policy, laws, etc.)?
Natural-Scientific Inquiry: What are the scientific facts related to this issue/problem? How have scientific facts been misinterpreted or misconstrued? What new scientific data contributes to understanding this issue/problem? What scientific observations or experiments might reveal data that would solve this issue/problem? What constraints from the natural world inform this issue/problem?
Quantitative Inquiry: What does data reveal about this issue/problem? What trends can be identified in the data? In what ways has data been manipulated or misconstrued related to this issue/problem? What new data is necessary to inform this issue/problem? What are the limitations of data collection related to this problem?
Socio-Historical Inquiry: Where has this issue/problem (or a related one) been addressed in history or by other societies? How are other societies approaching this issue/problem? How do societies work together in solving the issue/problem?
Creative-Aesthetic Inquiry: What is the human experience revealed through art responding to this issue/problem? What have artists and creatives contributed to this issue/problem? What can art and creative expression contribute to problem-solving this issue? How might art demonstrate what is left unsaid through other forms of inquiry?
Biblical Christian Worldview: What does the Bible say about this issue/topic/problem? What has the historical church concluded on this issue/problem? How might Biblical truth and God’s engagement with humanity speak to this issue/problem? What is the appropriate response of Christendom to this issue/problem? How might the church and Christians stewards solve this problem faithfully?
Your response should be well-structured, coherent, and written in your own words. Make sure to provide clear explanations and examples to support your points.
Your summary should be 1200 words
minimum in length.
The purpose of this topic is because I don’t find solace in western medicine doctor, they have 
failed me & I want to try from a biblical standpoint and reach other parents and grandparent like myself navigate through these times of uncertainty & if you have any questions I can 
answer them. I want this research as real as possible as if I did it myself. Using personal 
experiences along with quotes from the ten 

Worldview and complex problems

Title: “Tackling Complex Problems through a Biblical Christian Worldview: A Multi-Disciplinary Approach” 1. Definition of the problem: The problem I am attempting to solve is the issue of poverty and inequality in developing countries. This problem

Your Worldview & Complex Problems Project should include the elements covered in this course – evidence of a biblical Christian worldview, consideration of the modes of inquiry as they relate to your problem, and consideration of your audience in the proposed solution. Your project can be delivered in any medium best suited to reaching your ideal audience: a podcast, video, public writing, a research paper, or an in-person presentation but you must provide the
following elements in the assignment dropbox:
1. A definition of the problem you are attempting to solve (a statement of the problem) 2. A 1-paragraph summary of your audience (who are you aiming to reach? What are their
characteristics?) 3. A 360-degree review of the topic/complex problem using the tools in Modes of Inquiry (4-page minimum). Throughout Foundational Core, we have explored the Modes of Inquiry each discipline offers as a way of viewing the world and attacking problems. As review, the Modes of Inquiry
offer: • Discursive Inquiry (Rhetoric and Communication): This mode examines the elements of communication, rhetoric, speech, and logic that shape arguments and considers how
and why meaning is created and contested. • Natural-Scientific Inquiry: Natural-scientific reasoning uses empirical observations to develop and test theories about the natural world and reveals the systematic, ordered nature of the created world. In the context of health-related problems, health sciences offer expertise in disease prevention, treatment, and public health strategies, as well as
considerations of ethical and cultural aspects of healthcare. • Quantitative Inquiry (Mathematics): Quantitative reasoning is the application of basic mathematics and statistics to interpret data, draw conclusions, and solve real-world problems. Mathematical modeling can help predict potential outcomes and assess the
impact of different interventions. • Socio-Historical Inquiry: This mode of inquiry explores the history and complexity of the individual, human societies, and social interaction across time. Fields like sociology, psychology, anthropology, and economics offer insights into human behavior, social structures, cultural norms, and decision-making processes. These disciplines help uncover the motivations, values, and perspectives of stakeholders, crucial for addressing wicked problems. Historical analysis offers a long-term perspective on how wicked
problems have evolved, allowing us to learn from past successes and failures. Understanding historical context can reveal patterns, root causes, and unintended
consequences. • Creative-Aesthetic Inquiry: This mode of inquiry applies and appreciates the skills
requisite for the creation and production process of expressions that give form to ideas. The arts can provide creative and emotional insights into wicked problems, fostering empathy and inspiring change. Cultural analysis can reveal how societal norms and
values shape perceptions of the problem. • Biblical Christian Worldview: Biblical inquiry applies the primacy of Scripture to the order of God’s created world, humanity’s redemption, and His ultimate authority over humankind. Theological perspectives can provide moral and ethical frameworks for understanding wicked problems, as well as insights into concepts of justice, compassion, and human dignity. Religious teachings may offer guidance on values and
responsibilities.For each mode of inquiry, define what has been offered by other researchers and what left remains uncovered / unanswered as an approach to
solving the problem.
4. A 2-page (minimum) proposed solution to the problem. Included rough draft and final draft with with 10 references.