Introduction to Chinese Culture and Language

Title: “The Rise of China: A Look at its History, Culture, and Global Impact”

I need a presentation about any interesting topic related to China. I also need a word 
file about what I should learn for the presentation. I should talk about 10 minutes, so it          should be that long.

Introduction to Chinese Culture and Language

“An Ethnographic Profile of a Contemporary Chinese Individual”

Individual home assignment
Students are required to submit the final version of the ethnographic profile (1200-1500 word written essay, under 1200 word automatically fails) in a word document file (TNR 12, space 1,5) and the timing will be arranged in the beginning of the course.
This assignment is an opportunity for the students to synthesize lectures and readings in a creative format by writing an “ethnographic profile” of a person in contemporary China. For this project, student will begin with what he/she have learned about Chinese society and use his/her anthropological sensibility to mold characteristics into a profile. The imaginary Chinese person should be placed in a nexus of relationships and in terms of family background, geographic location, institutional context, ethnic and/or religious affiliations, and any other significant dimensions of personal identity. The point of this exercise is to use the device of a character profile to develop a realistic and revealing perspective on the lifeways and institutions of contemporary China. 
Reference material should be highlighted in Harvard style.
The assignment will be assessed based on the following criteria (see the grid on Moodle):
Understanding of materials (25%)
Analysis (30%)
Source use (15%)
Structure (20%)
Language and mechanics (10%)
Papers shorter than 1200 words fail automatically. Papers where there are two discrepancies between the references used in and after text receive 0% on “Language and Mechanics”. Papers where there are three or more discrepancies between the references used in and after text fail automatically. Papers that do not contain a minimum of two (2) academic sources fail automatically. Academic sources are academic journal articles, preferably, with DOI numbers; chapters in edited books; and monographs. Poor academic practice (e.g., quoting directly from sources that exceeds 10% of the paper) will result in automatic fail.
The resit arrangement for the assignment is the same as above; you may resubmit the same paper, with corrections, that you submitted by the original deadline. The resubmission deadline will be specified on Moodle after the grades for the original submission are published. Please note if the student fails to submit the essay until deadline, the grade cannot be higher than 40%.