Asian History

Title: The Chinese Yoyo: A Cultural Treasure The Chinese yoyo, also known as diabolo, is a traditional toy that has been an integral part of Chinese culture for centuries. It consists of two cups connected by a shaft,

c Describe the cultural product in detail.  Please use the Chinese yoyo as the cultural item
Address the why, how, when, where, and who behind the item.
Explain why you chose it. Demonstrate understanding of the item and its historical context and significance by referencing your readings and class discussions to “unpack” the meaning behind its existence. 

Asian History

Title: Exploring the Main Arguments and Themes in Weekly Readings: A Critical Analysis

To complete this assignment successfully, write a paper of at least 1000 words in which they:A) Identify the main argument(s) of the weekly reading.
B) Describe one of the sources used in the reading and explain how it was used.
C) Name the person or event which they think is central to the week’s reading and explain why.
D) Compare or contrast the weekly readings. What do we gain by reading them together?
E) Provide original analysis, reaction, sentiment, thoughts, and feelings about the readings.
For Part B please use citation #1 in Lee’s text. “John F. Kennedy, A Nation of Immigrants (New York: Harper & Row, 1964)”.