How do feminism and feminist issues play into Char

The Feminist Themes in Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s “The Yellow Wallpaper”

How do feminism and feminist issues play into Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s masterpiece “The Yellow Wallpaper”? (The role of women in modern society; gender bias; sexual stereotypes, etc.) Author/Ethics Essay (1500-2000 words–approximately 6-8 double-spaced pages) Write about how feminism and feminist issues play into Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s masterpiece “The Yellow Wallpaper.”? (Examples include the role of women in modern society, gender bias, sexual stereotypes, etc.) At least three sources in MLA format.  Standard introductory paragraph with a clear thesis statement. A standard concluding paragraph serves to briefly summarize the paper and tie up any loose ends. (Hint—this is NOT a place to introduce anything new in your paper. The paper presents the moral and ethical issues you will explore in the thesis statement. All supporting paragraphs in the body of the paper are focused on developing and defending the thesis statement in the paper’s introduction. Minimal errors in grammar and mechanics. (grammar refers to the parts of speech; mechanics refers to the rules of written language, such as capitalization, punctuation, and spelling. The essay must be in MLA format: parenthetical information and Works Cited Required. Include correctly used critical terms BOLDED (protagonist, theme, foreshadowing, suspense, exposition, climax, conflict, plot, setting, falling action, alliteration, and auditor.)  (put the term in bold in your essay).