Mass Communication - Social Media Marketing

Title: Exploring the World of Social Media Marketing: A Career Assessment

Career Assessment Paper : You are required to write a four- to five-page Career Assessment Paper that examines a mass communication job that you choose and I approve, such as a newspaper reporter, advertising account executive, or spokesperson for a corporation. My profession was social media marketing.
The Career Assessment Paper must include the following:
(1) A one-page, double-spaced job summary that explains specifically what the job is and what kind of work is required of people who go into this field.
(2) A one-page, double-spaced career field assessment that analyzes the job market in the field, including the prospects of finding work in this field over the next four years, print and online sources you can use to find jobs in this field, and the names of several companies/organizations that hire employees in this profession.
(3) A one-page, double-spaced action plan that explains what steps you will take during your college career to build your resume and help position yourself to get a job in your chosen profession.
(4) A one-page resume that outlines your goals, work experience, and education. This should be a real resume that you could present to a potential employer.
(5) A bibliography with all sources used to complete the assignment, including the names, organizations and telephone numbers of all people interviewed.
The Career Assessment Paper must use footnotes or parenthetical citations to cite all sources, whether you are quoting that source directly or paraphrasing. The paper must use the following sources:
Books, credible online sources, and/or magazine articles from a trade publication like Advertising Age or Columbia Journalism Review.
An interview with at least one professional in the field you have chosen (for example, a newspaper reporter). A paper that does not include an interview with a professional in the field will lose 10 points from the paper’s grade.
The Bureau of Labor Statistics. The BLS is a federal government agency that analyzes most careers and industries. The agency’s website will give you job desсrіptions, average salaries, industry growth projections, and other information.

Mass Communication - Social Media Marketing

Title: Exploring the World of Social Media Marketing: A Career Assessment

Career Assessment Paper : You are required to write a four- to five-page Career Assessment Paper that examines a mass communication job that you choose and I approve, such as a newspaper reporter, advertising account executive, or spokesperson for a corporation. My profession was social media marketing.
The Career Assessment Paper must include the following:
(1) A one-page, double-spaced job summary that explains specifically what the job is and what kind of work is required of people who go into this field.
(2) A one-page, double-spaced career field assessment that analyzes the job market in the field, including the prospects of finding work in this field over the next four years, print and online sources you can use to find jobs in this field, and the names of several companies/organizations that hire employees in this profession.
(3) A one-page, double-spaced action plan that explains what steps you will take during your college career to build your resume and help position yourself to get a job in your chosen profession.
(4) A one-page resume that outlines your goals, work experience, and education. This should be a real resume that you could present to a potential employer.
(5) A bibliography with all sources used to complete the assignment, including the names, organizations and telephone numbers of all people interviewed.
The Career Assessment Paper must use footnotes or parenthetical citations to cite all sources, whether you are quoting that source directly or paraphrasing. The paper must use the following sources:
Books, credible online sources, and/or magazine articles from a trade publication like Advertising Age or Columbia Journalism Review.
An interview with at least one professional in the field you have chosen (for example, a newspaper reporter). A paper that does not include an interview with a professional in the field will lose 10 points from the paper’s grade.
The Bureau of Labor Statistics. The BLS is a federal government agency that analyzes most careers and industries. The agency’s website will give you job desсrіptions, average salaries, industry growth projections, and other information.