Applications and Forms

“Exploring Italy: A Journey of Personal and Academic Growth” As a student with a passion for architecture and a love for different cultures, I have always dreamed of studying abroad in Italy. The country’s rich history and beautiful architecture have always fascinated me

write this peronal application essay. info: include that i have taken a few architecture classes and i was fascinated by italian architecture, eat pray love the movie also enamored me. the different way of life and getting to know a diffrent culture enamores me. the classes offered in this program 
OPMGT 301: Principles of Operations Management (4 credits) – taught by Foster’s Hamed Mamani
I S 300: Introduction to Information Systems (5 credits) – taught by Foster’s Shaosong Ou
MKTG 301: Marketing Concepts (4 credits) – taught by Foster’s Marty Matthews
MKTG 450: Consumer Behavior (4 credits) – taught by Foster’s Marty Matthews
ART H 150: Rome Through Time (5 credits) A&H – taught by a local Italian Art Historian. These work well with my majors and offer me a diffrent perspective since i get to learn it while exploring italy possibly add some more information about how the coursework is interesting. talk about Professor marty and how i have heard that she is super fun and engaging and gives a lot of anecdotes in class so i am excitingabout that.  include i hope to make lifelong conncetions on this study abroad and find tru e friendships, all my friends whi have done a study abroad have said that it was life changing. i hope it can be a joirney for me to discover new bonds and new side of my personality.

Applications and Forms

“Service Above Self: A Lifelong Commitment to Empowering Marginalized Communities”

The notion of putting service before self was deeply
ingrained in my upbringing in rural northern Ethiopia. Memories of facing
constant uncertainty due to erratic weather conditions, widespread poverty, and
limited access to basic social services have had a lasting impact on me for
many years. These experiences have fueled my drive to work in the development
and relief sector to improve the lives of ordinary people in my community and
beyond. In a society where self-interest often prevails, the ideology of “service
above self” serves as a shining light of hope and kindness. Over the
course of more than 15 years, my professional journey in the development sector
has exemplified this philosophy as I have dedicated myself to empowering
marginalized populations in Ethiopia and other parts of Africa.
Having started my career with a deep-rooted sense of duty,
my commitment to service transcended mere career aspirations; it became a
profound calling. Beginning as a project officer in a modest local NGO and
progressing to leadership roles at the regional level, every position I have
held has been driven by a sense of responsibility to those in need. This core
belief has guided my decisions and actions, shaping a career path of empathy
and purpose.
This has been evident in my professional engagements with
various development projects and organizations to date. Currently, I am the
Regional Advocacy Lead for Right2Grow, a multi-country consortium program
working to improve nutrition and water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) services
in Ethiopia and other areas in Africa and Asia. In this role, I lead regional
advocacy efforts in Africa and Asia to improve WASH and nutrition services for
marginalized groups, especially women and children, who face significant
disparities in nutrition and WASH services. My leadership reflects Rotary’s
core principles of prioritizing the needs of others, promoting inclusiveness
and community-driven action, advocating for marginalized communities, and
striving for sustainable impact. These initiatives remind me that true service
transcends personal recognition and instead focuses on daily actions that
positively impact others. By fostering empathy, collaboration, and shared
responsibility, my work with Right2Grow not only addresses immediate challenges
such as access to clean water and nutritious food, but also lays the foundation
for lasting social change and collective well-being.
In addition to my professional commitments, initiatives I
have led in my personal circles are other examples where I am proud to say that
I have embodied the concept of service above self both professionally and
personally. Most recently, I led an initiative to raise funds and supplies for
internally displaced people (IDP) during the recent war between the federal
government of Ethiopia and regional forces. In this initiative, I spearheaded
the mobilization of half a million Ethiopian Birr (US$10,000) and two trucks
full of goods and household items that were distributed to nearly 30,000 IDPs
from the Wollo province of the Amhara region, where I was born. My role was to
lead the entire initiative and collect donations from friends, family, and
colleagues in my personal circle.
Going forward, I remain steadfast in my commitment to the
cause of the underserved and marginalized, for therein lies the essence of
service above self.

Applications and Forms

“Overcoming Obstacles: My Journey Back to College and Pursuit of a Dream”

Personal Essay
Please tell us more about yourself. Relate one or more experiences or circumstances that have 
contributed to your personal and/or academic development. If you have been out of school for a 
year or longer, please discuss your activities during that period of time.
Things about me that make my situation different that I would like included in my essay please:
1.) It’s been over 10 years since I’ve attended college last. I was 27 then, struggled to keep my 
grades up and ended up dropping out without a degree. (I’m 39 now)
2.) My parents are no longer alive, but they were elderly then and my mom had a stoke and 
being the only child I decided to care for her at home along side my dad. 
3.) After my parents passed I reentered the work force, eventually getting my license to sell Life and Health insurance in the sate of Pennsylvia. I’m at the point where I want to start a family and 
increase my icome. I decided to go back to school for a B.A. in Acturial Science. I’ve always loved 
numbers and this degree will complent my current expericence well (As Actuaries deal with 
statistics and work for insurance companies.)
4.) I’m applying to Temple University in PA. 

Applications and Forms

“Joining the Legacy: My Letter to Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.®”

ature. Your
letter should express the purpose of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.®, in your own words,
and your community involvement. Also, highlight any talents that you can contribute to
ensure Alpha Kappa Alpha maintains its status as a premier Greek-lettered organization for
college-trained women, and why the chapter should consider you for memb