
“Embracing Change: A Graduation Speech for the Class of 2024”

Write a graduation motivational speech using these main points
Theme:”Change is inevitable, Growth is optional.”
-My name is Jenny Nguyen and I am “hopefully” honored here today as the motivational speaker for the Discovery class of 2024
Hello family, friends, alumnis, and graduates. My name is Jenny Nguyen and I am honored here today as the motivational speaker for the Discovery Class of 2024.
-We all walked into high school with a set of expectations given to us by our parents, peers, and teachers who always told us that what we did in middle school would never slide in high school…when It indeed did. 
-While today is the day most of us have been waiting for, there is a side of today that many others and myself included, have been dreading. 
-the feeling of urgency and helplessness is not a new feeling for many high school students
-sitting here today we are all expected to have our entire lives mapped out
-we are expected to know what we are going to be when we grow up and what our imagined life styles are going to be
-four years ago i started my first day of high school sitting behind a computer screen from the comfort of my own bed. 
-even while still protected by a screen, i still suffered from severe anxiety
-at every single parent teacher conference i’ve ever attended seemed to have a similar problem
-“your daughter is doing very well in school, i just wish she’d talk more!”
-i was determined to overcome my biggest weakness
-I had a 4.0, was an officer of multiple clubs, practiced multiple different instruments all 4 years of high school all while maintaining a clean record
–i became who i was expected to be
-however it didn’t matter how much i tried to be the perfect student, i didnt feel like i was fulfilling anything in my life
-with multiple deadlines, exams, and life altering decisions coming up. i felt suffocated
-i’m still not confident on what i want to be when i grow up or what i want to achieve and that’s okay
-we are all fortunate enough to live a life that grants us options
-getting to where i am today with little to no guidance or support helped me learn a valuable lesson
-i am not who am i today without realizing that change is a constant in our lives, but whether or not we grow from those changes is up to us
-So congratulations class of 2024, our newest chapter is just beginning 


“Embracing Change: A Graduation Speech for the Class of 2024”

Write a graduation motivational speech using these main points
Theme:”Change is inevitable, Growth is optional.”
-My name is Jenny Nguyen and I am “hopefully” honored here today as the motivational speaker for the Discovery class of 2024
Hello family, friends, alumnis, and graduates. My name is Jenny Nguyen and I am honored here today as the motivational speaker for the Discovery Class of 2024.
-We all walked into high school with a set of expectations given to us by our parents, peers, and teachers who always told us that what we did in middle school would never slide in high school…when It indeed did. 
-While today is the day most of us have been waiting for, there is a side of today that many others and myself included, have been dreading. 
-the feeling of urgency and helplessness is not a new feeling for many high school students
-sitting here today we are all expected to have our entire lives mapped out
-we are expected to know what we are going to be when we grow up and what our imagined life styles are going to be
-four years ago i started my first day of high school sitting behind a computer screen from the comfort of my own bed. 
-even while still protected by a screen, i still suffered from severe anxiety
-at every single parent teacher conference i’ve ever attended seemed to have a similar problem
-“your daughter is doing very well in school, i just wish she’d talk more!”
-i was determined to overcome my biggest weakness
-I had a 4.0, was an officer of multiple clubs, practiced multiple different instruments all 4 years of high school all while maintaining a clean record
–i became who i was expected to be
-however it didn’t matter how much i tried to be the perfect student, i didnt feel like i was fulfilling anything in my life
-with multiple deadlines, exams, and life altering decisions coming up. i felt suffocated
-i’m still not confident on what i want to be when i grow up or what i want to achieve and that’s okay
-we are all fortunate enough to live a life that grants us options
-getting to where i am today with little to no guidance or support helped me learn a valuable lesson
-i am not who am i today without realizing that change is a constant in our lives, but whether or not we grow from those changes is up to us
-So congratulations class of 2024, our newest chapter is just beginning