Comparative Ethnic Studies

“The Impact of Racism on Socio-Economic Differences and Identity in the United States: A Critical Response to “Race in Society””

Critical Response Paper – found in your assignment section of your blackboard – due April 4, 2024
Critical Response Papers Dos and Don’ts:
A critical response paper should be fairly formal and should genuinely attempt to shed light on one or more aspects of the (optional) prompt question (below) in relations to the literature you have read.  Overall, I am looking for interesting and original insights concerning your responses and the reading.
An ideal response will be about a 5-8 pages in length and typed.  Your grade will be based on the quality and depth of your insights, and on the use of specific textual evidence as support. (Avoid the obvious! Take risks! Make it interesting!)
The Dos and Don’ts of Response Papers:
DO NOT: Only summarize terms or concepts DO: Analyze the symbolic significance aspect of the prompt question
DO NOT: Generalize and provide vague reasons behind your Text Analysis DO: Use specific examples from the text(including quotes, if significant).
DO NOT: Make superficial, obvious insights DO: Think deeply, and look closely into the work. Notice things that a casual reader would not.
DO NOT: Simply repeat ideas mentioned in class or discussion boards by the instructor or by other students. 
DO: Build off ideas mentioned in class, adding your own thoughts and insights to the discussion.
1) 5-8 pages
2) double spaced
3) 12 font
4) at least 2 citations
5) introduction and a conclusion
6) to be submitted onto blackboard
1. Please explain how institutional, structural and systemic racism plays a role in shaping the differences in socio-economic differences in this country?
2. What is the relationship between class, gender and race when it comes to identity in the United States?
3. Describe colorblind racism and how it makes it difficult to speak about inequality today?
Book being used: 
Race in society : the enduring American dilemma
Andersen, Margaret L.,