Developmental Economics

Title: The Importance of Feasibility Studies and Business Plans for Entrepreneurs

Complete Key Concept Questions in back of text chapter:
Explain why a prospective business founder might want to create a
feasibility study or Business Model Canvas before developing a complete
business plan.
2-7: How can
spending time researching and writing a business plan save an
entrepreneur time and money in the short and long term?
2-9: Explain why the executive summary is the most important section of any business plan.

Developmental Economics

“Exploring Federalism: A Christian Evaluation of Daniel Elazar’s Model”

In the field of federalism and intergovernmental relations, the Christian statesman needs to read
leading works in the field with an aim of identifying key concepts related to federalism and
evaluating those concepts from a Christian worldview. Toward that end, the purpose of the Book
Review Assignment is to evaluate a leading work in the field of American federalism and place it
in the framework of a Christian worldview that is informed by the framer’s views of human
nature and limited government. To aid in that goal the Book Review Assignment will require that
a set of “prompts” be answered from a point of view (a thesis) about the book. The response to
these prompts should be thorough and demonstrate a mastery of the book’s content and the
ability to evaluate the work from a Christian worldview.
Write a book review for Exploring Federalism by Daniel Elazar that addresses and answers the
following questions:
 How does Elazar’s model of federalism compare to other leading models we have
encountered in the course thus far? Present a summary of Elazar’s model. Then contrast
Elazar’s model with two other theories/models of federalism from the past three module’s
assigned readings. Pick the two theories/models that you think are the most important
rivals to Elazar’s.
 Is Elazar’s model of federalism the best model that we have reviewed so far in upholding
a Christian worldview? If you agree, provide at least three reasons from scripture (or
from the framers’ views on federalism, human nature, and limited government) with
support for each reason. If you disagree, do the same. One of your reasons for disagreeing
could be that you think that another model does the job better. If that is true, state and
describe the preferred model, along with why it is preferable.
Follow the requirements listed below with respect to the content and structure of the book review
(for other requirements, review the Book Review Assignment Grading Rubric):
 Thesis: The Book Review needs a thesis, a point of view that pulls together the two
prompt questions. The thesis should be clearly stated in the introduction. This is a book
review and not just a “book report.”
 Word Count: Paper should be between 4-5 PAGES. This includes the title page,
the body of the paper, and the alphabetized list of references (if needed).
 Format: APA, double-spaced, Times New Roman (12 pt.) with margins at 1” on all
sides. Place page numbers in the upper right-hand corner.
 Content: Include title page, paper, and an alphabetized list of references. Include the
following in the paper: introduction, a response to the two prompt questions, and a
conclusion. It is expected that the Book Review Assignment will have many citations, but
only one or two short quotes. Include one to three references (if needed) in a reference
section at the end of the paper.
Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

Developmental Economics

The Nexus between Institutional Quality and Human Development in Sub-Saharan African and Transitional EU Countries: A Comparative Analysis

Prepare a Phd disposition of about 10-12 pages on the impact of institutional quality on human development in sub-saharan African and transitional eu countries with at least 70 citation and a conceptual model drawn and explained. Attached below is sample of how disposition should be.

Developmental Economics

The Paradox of American Health: Exploring the Factors and Solutions

Must support their assertions with at least one scholarly citation in AMA format. Each reply must incorporate at least one scholarly citation in AMA format. Any sources cited must have been published within the last five years. Acceptable sources include government, academic articles, the textbook, and the Bible.
After reviewing theRead: We Can DoBetter Improving the Health of the American People Shattuck Lecturein the Learn section. Discuss the following points in your thread:
Describe the two reasons Schroeder gives to explain why the US ranks poorly on many health measures despite spending more money than other countries on health care. What other single factor would you suggest that might also contribute to this paradox?
In what ways is the problem of obesity in America like the now decreasing problem of tobacco use? In what ways is it different?
The pie chart illustrating the five proportional categories contributing to premature death in the US is based on total US population mortality. How might these percentages change if the chart were redrawn to reflect impoverished populations in inner cities? People living in poverty in rural areas? Suggest new percentages for each and explain why you think as you do.
Social determinants of health are relatively new considerations as predictors of premature death, yet a growing body of research indicates their substantial contribution. Name a social determinant and describe a possible role for the Church in alleviating it.