
Title: “Exploring [Research Topic]: A Comprehensive Analysis”

The guidelines for the research paper are as follows:
Cover page (1 page)
Introduction (1/2 or 1 page) – Describe what your research is about.
Margins 1″.
Font size 12pts. Double-spaced.
Development of the topic (3-4 pages – 1000 words); this section should be structured by an introduction, where you briefly will describe your research, then followed by the essay body, and, finally, the conclusion (1-2 pages – 200-250 words). The essay body represents the most extensive section of the paper and is commonly divided into several subsections. Depending on your research topic, you can add as many subtitles as needed.
The bibliography page does not count toward the 5 pages of writing.
Minimum 10+ Sources (Academic Journals-Books-Websites)