Business Principles

Personal Career Plan Personal Career Plan: Mapping Out My Future Success

Look for Appendix B “Personal Career Plan” in your eBook. (It is located in page 349 or Pages A-3 through A-7). 
I suggest you read through this information right away and start working on the project. 
You are going to submit the Personal Career Plan in a WORD DOCUMENTusing the Weekly Assignments – Week Fourteen link.
Make sure you use MLA format on your Personal Career Plan.
Header at the top of the page, right aligned, with your last name and page number.
Times New Roman font – size 12.
1-inch margins top, bottom, left, and right.
Double spaced.
There are 7 sections to complete for this project.  
Situation Analysis
SWOT Analysis
Financial Projections and Budgets
Controls and Evaluation.
Make sure you
Label each section at the top of the page.
Make sure you do a page break between sections.
You will complete the SUMMARY afteryou have written the entire plan.  This should be a page long summarizing your career objectives and what means you will use to achieve those objectives.
When completing the SITUATION ANALYSIS, you will have 3 sections – The External Environment, The Employer Environment, and Personal Assessment. 
For each section, you will have sub-sections.  Make sure you label each sub-section also.
You will answer the questions in complete sentences.  Make sure you check your spelling and grammar!
The SWOT ANALYSIS section will require you to investigate your strengths and weaknesses and your chosen career opportunities and threats. 
You will answer the questions asked.
For letter E – The SWOT Matrix – you need to create a SmartArt matrix for your submission. 
In the RESOURCES section, you will answer the questions in complete sentences.
When you complete the STRATEGIESsection – you will choose two potential employers and respond to the questions asked.
For the FINANCIAL PROJECTIONS AND BUDGETS – think about where you may move, and the cost of living compared to salaries provided when responding to the questions.
Your final section, CONTROLS AND EVALUATION – will ask you to reply to questions about yourself.  Make sure you spend the time reflecting on what they are asking.  This is your future life, and you want to be happy in the occupation you choose.