
Title: Reflecting on My Criminal Justice Internship: From Skills Learned to Impact on Career Goals

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I. Summary/description of your internshipexperience
A. Overview of organization/agency’s mission, work, services 
B. Role and responsibilities (what were you expected to do as an intern?)
C. Skills learned (what skills did you learn during your internship experience?  For example, communication in professional settings, punctuality, dressing for success, speaking up, etc….)
D. Problems encountered (any problems or issues that arose during your internship?  How were these handled or addressed?)
II. Analysis of internship in terms of the following:
A. How did your internship experience relate to your college courses?   Discuss three aspects of the criminal justice or legal system that you understand better following your internship experience. Use at least 3 sources (textbooks, class lectures, journal articles, etc…) to relate the experience to your courses.  
B. How did your internship impact your understanding and empathy about different groups of people?  Did you learn about or interact with different populations?  How will this help you in the future, either in college or career? 
C. Did any ethical issues/dilemmas arise during your internship?  How were these resolved within the agency?  
D. Were your expectations/goals for the internship experience met? If not, what could have been better or more productive?  
E. How did the internship experience impact your career goals/objectives? Have these changed or been confirmed?Due to your internship, do you feel better prepared for the hiring, interview and employment process? 
F. How has the internship experience impacted you as a student?  Do you approach learning differently now?  Does class content impact you differently?  Do you feel as though you have a better understanding of the curriculum (required courses in your major)?  For example, why certain classes are required in your major.  
Format:  5 pages/double-spaced, 1-inch margins, 12-point Times New Roman font, spelling/grammar/syntax are important, APA citation format for external citations; cover page required (cover page does not count towards page count)

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