
Title: “Exploring the Role of Media in Shaping Public Perception: A Synthesis of News Articles and Theoretical Insights” Event: The Rise of Fake News in the 2016 US Presidential Election News Articles: 1. “How

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Prompt: This assignment require you to find and read a series of articles from different newsasticles and synthesize those articles with this week’s reading (attached below). Choose a contemporary event, issue, or controversy (try to stick to the 21st century), find
at least two different news articles on the topic, and explain that event considering the views
of different writers/news organizations. You are to then articulate the strength of the news
sources considering the required reading for that week. Make specific reference to the
assigned readings that week. What is the event, what are the important details, how do the
assigned readings provide theoretical insights, and what are the potential practical implications
(i.e., how could this scholarly approach change policies, institutions, or practices)? Provide
parenthetical citations and a reference list for outside resources and the week’s reading. Make sure to include quotes from the reading to ensure a thoughtful response. 

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