American history

Title: The Impact of the Industrial Revolution on Society and the Environment

Annswer prompt 1 and 2 in the document below. Use the chapters provided for ciation and primary sources. 


Aquinas on the State’s Authority to Regulate Religion: Reconciling the Summa, Sentences, and De Regno

Main question: For Aquinas, what authority would the state have independently of the Church to regulate religion? Why?
Justification: Aquinas’ stance on this topic illuminates the historical basis of discussion about religious freedom and the demarcation lines between secular and ecclesiastical authority. How come?
Methodology: this paper will analyze primary sources from Aquinas, focusing on his works on political philosophy and religion.
Key consideration: the significance of Aquinas’ theory of natural law and how it applies to creating a just society.
Recognizing the expression ‘the public good’ and its relationship with religious ritual. The extent to which Aquinas’ assertion validates the limitations of ecclesiastical and civil authority.
The expected outcome: This essay suggests that Aquinas would bolster a view that dismisses a state that can set limits on religion. While the state does need to promote the public good, it should not be in charge of people’s beliefs or displays of faith, except when these directly oppose orderly society or the common good.
Extra Study: By introducing a point of contention against the idea that the state may implement regulations on religious freedom based on Aquinas’ theories, this essay is a starting point for further analysis of how Aquinas’ ideas may relate to today’s discussions of religious liberty and the rule of law.
What you will find is that, at least on a surface reading, the chapters from De regno seem to be in tension with the Summa and Sentences texts, as De regno seems to suggest that the state does have an independent role in promoting eternal salvation and thus regulating religion. In order to prove your thesis, you need to explain how the three sets of texts (ST, the Sentences commentary, and DR) can be reconciled.
The paper is also meant to be a research paper, and so you will need to engage with secondary literature on the topic. Fortunately, there is a lot of material on your research question that will be helpful in developing your argument. In particular, you should consult the following sources and engage with them in your paper:
I.T. Eschmann, “St. Thomas Aquinas on the Two Powers,” Mediaeval Studies 20 (1958): 177–205; Paul Sigmund, “Law and Politics,” in The Cambridge Companion to Aquinas, eds. Norman Kretzmann and Eleonore Stump (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993), 219. (These two scholars both argue essentially the opposite of your conclusion)
William McCormick, S.J., “‘A Unity of Order’: Aquinas on the End of Politics,” Nova et Vetera 21 (2023): 1019–1041; Leonard Boyle, O.P., “The De Regno and the Two Powers,” in Facing History: A Different Thomas Aquinas (Louvain-la-Neuve: Collège Cardinal Mercier, 2000), 1–12; Laurence Fitzgerald, O.P., “St. Thomas Aquinas and the Two Powers,” Angelicum 56 (1979): 515–556. (these scholars try to show the compatibility of the texts).

human resources

“Creating Effective Job Hiring Materials for Health Science Careers”

What to Expect in This Project
In this project you will create the following job hiring materials for two different careers, in two different health science pathways:
A checklist of at least 10 items that can be used to identify qualified candidates based on a portfolio or other application documents.
A series of 5 interview questions that can be used to assess candidates’ technical and transferable skills; These questions should include some explanation to help identify qualified candidates based on their response.
A job advertisement for a website to attract quality medical professionals to Maple View.
Graded Assignment Rubric
Overall Project
Total Possible Score: 40 points
Review the rubrics to understand how your project will be graded.
Subject Knowledge
Possible Score: 20 points
20 points
15 points
10 points
0 points
Scoring notes
· Final project:
o Demonstrates solid understanding of the learning objectives and the research.
o Clearly answers the main question.
o Includes strong details and complete citations
o Goes above and beyond the project requirements.
· Resources are relevant, accurate, reliable.
· There is a good variety in resources, beyond the project requirements.
· Final project:
o Demonstrates understanding of the learning objectives and the research.
o Answers the main question.
o Includes details and citations.
· Resources are relevant and reliable.
· There is an adequate research effort.
· Final project:
o Demonstrates incomplete understanding of the learning objectives and the research.
o Answers the main question incompletely or inaccurately.
o Lacks details or citations.
· Resources are adequate.
· There is minimal research effort.
· Final project:
o Does not demonstrate understanding of the learning objectives and the research.
o Does not answer the main question.
· Resources are irrelevant, inaccurate, and/or unreliable.
· There is little to no research effort.
Format and Structure
Possible Score: 20 points
20 points
15 points
10 points
0 points
Scoring notes
· Final project:
o Is well-organized.
o Includes all required project elements.
o Uses appropriate and appealing media.
· The tone is appropriate.
· Words are consistently used correctly.
· Spelling, capitalization, and punctuation are accurate.
· Sentences are complete and correct.
· Final project:
o Is organized.
o Includes most required project elements.
o Uses appropriate media.
· The tone is mostly appropriate.
· Words are mostly used correctly.
· Spelling, capitalization, and punctuation are mostly accurate.
· Most sentences are complete and correct.
· Final project:
o Is somewhat organized.
o Includes some required project elements.
o Uses unclear or irrelevant media.
· The tone is somewhat appropriate.
· Words are sometimes used correctly.
· Spelling, capitalization, and punctuation are often inconsistent.
· Sentences are mostly incomplete or incorrect.
· Final project:
o Is disorganized.
o Is missing most project elements.
o Uses inappropriate media or does not use media.
· The tone is inappropriate
· Words are rarely used correctly.
· Spelling, capitalization, and punctuation are mostly inconsistent.
· Sentences are incomplete or incorrect.


Second Draft with Intro and Concession Paragraphs: An Analysis of the Morality of the Meiwes and Brandes Act “The Moral Implications of the Armin Meiwes and Bernd Brandes Case: Examining Bodily Autonomy and the Value of Human Life” The Complexity of Consent: Analyzing Quotations on the Morality of the Meiwes and Brandes Act The Morality of Cannibalism: Debunking Common Arguments Against Meiwes and Brandes’ Act

PLEASE UPLOAD YOUR ENTIRE SECOND DRAFT, INCLUDING YOUR INTRODUCTORY AND CONCESSION PARAGRAPHS FROM DRAFT #1. It’s really important that I see your thesis, especially. If you did not do Draft #1, you may include the intro and concession paragraphs with this draft, or the thesis at the very least.
Please feel free to leave me a comment or question when you submit your draft if there is anything you are concerned about and want me to address. I will not spend time on your introduction and concession paragraphs except to remember your thesis this time around, so please let me know if you revised those paragraphs and want additional feedback on them. Otherwise, I’ll just look at the thesis and move on to the main body paragraphs. The more specific directions you give me regarding your concerns, the more I can customize your feedback.
This draft must be submitted by the 11:59PM grace period on Sunday in order for you to earn points and for me to have enough time to comment on it, so there is no late submission date for this draft. Keep in mind that the more complete this draft is, the more I will be able to offer feedback that will be useful to the final very heavily-weighted draft of this essay. However, if you are only able to submit an outline this time, listing your ideas for your concession, claims, counterclaims and rebuttals, I can still give you some decent feedback, though you will not earn the full points for this draft. Submitting something is better than submitting nothing.
If you want to earn the full 50 points this draft is worth, please do the following:
make sure all paragraphs are included: the intro, concession, first claim, first counterclaim/rebuttal, second claim, second counterclaim/rebuttal (and you don’t have to include the conclusion).
Include your quotations/evidence for every paragraph (minus the introduction)
Show reasonable development, meaning the essay might not be as long as it will be in the final draft, but there will be some analysis included. so the paragraphs show a good start on your thoughts.
Here is some ideas to consider:
Claim ideas if you argue that M and B’s act WAS NOT morally wrong:
It was consensual (research/define consent formally and discuss how consent is such a priority in our society and why – discuss the value of consent for society – present consent as a fantastic value). This is THE BEST and most obvious reason why the act can be argued as NOT morally wrong, so everyone arguing that side will likely use consent as their first claim, which is perfectly fine. It will be a popular first claim paragraph because it’s the best and most obvious reason.  Don’t let that stop you from using this important point.
It was done out of love or spirituality or with no malicious intent (use our encyclopedia piece to define endocannibalism and exocannibalism, focusing on the moral difference between the two, even bringing in examples of infamous murderous cannibalism (such as those acts done by Jeffrey Dahmer) to compare – DON’T FOCUS ON CONSENT because you will likely have already discussed consent in your first claim paragraph – Focus on motivation for the act – consider discussing how Meiwes said he “absorbed” Brandes’ English skills and masculinity after the act, proving a spiritual connection – their bonding over unhappy childhoods could be discussed here, too)
It presented no social harm (research/define “social harm”)  or was no threat to public safety (research/define “public safety”) – no other individual or even society was meant to be harmed – they tried to keep it private (it’s the media and police and courts that made it public and presented any harm in the form of fear to society – M and B left no debts or dependents – their act began and ended with them) 
It was an act of sexual autonomy or it was kink affirmative (look up these terms as well as kink shaming – explain the value of sexual freedom)
The act was not illegal. This isn’t the strongest one, but you could argue that Meiwes didn’t want to kill Brandes and took no pleasure in that part. It’s not as strong, though, because Brandes ended up dead regardless.
It was an act of bodily autonomy (research/define bodily autonomy – establish why this is a positive value (perhaps bringing in current overturning of Roe vs. Wade – AVOID discussing consent again, though. This one has lots of potential to become repetitive of consent, so be careful with this one as a second claim. Maybe focus more on there not being limits to bodily autonomy, even if an act is upsetting to others. 
Claim Ideas if you argue that the act WAS morally wrong:
The consent is invalid (research/define what  factors invalidate consent – I HIGHLY recommend addressing the consensual nature of the act in your CONCESSION paragraph preceding this, which allows you to debunk the consent here) Look up CRISP and/or FRIES to discuss the aspects of consent that require being sober. Meiwes actually violated his own moral code of consent.
Human life is precious (research the value of human life as a universal value – you can discuss how these men had alternatives which would allow them to satisfy their needs and not sacrifice human life – Dutch TV hosts example can work here). Argue that it’s not the eating that’s wrong – it’s the killing. 
It violates the moral code of the society in which they lived (research/define “absolute morality” –  discuss who/what dictates morality – they violated their own society’s definition of morality) Some sources will say morality is subjective, but others will say it’s dictated by the group in which we live. 
The act caused social harm or was a threat to public safety (research these terms). Regardless of who made the act public, it scared many people, even outside of their own communities and made them feel unsafe. It worked against social harmony and community.
It was narrow-minded, cavalier, and disrespectful to human life. There were other alternatives in which they could have satisfied their sexual kinks without killing anyone through vore role-playing.
Meiwes acted selfishly and selfishness is immoral. Research the philosophy of selfishness. (Meiwes was impatient and bored and killed Brandes in a way he did not want to be killed.)
Claim Paragraphs Questions for Development 
Each of your claim paragraphs will have two parts to it: a discussion of an abstract concept your claim is based on and then a specific example from M & B’s situation that is relevant to that abstract concept.
Developing the abstract concept:
Use a well-chosen quotation to jumpstart your discussion. Include it soon after the topic sentence. Feel free to use two quotes for this part of the claim paragraph.
You should base your claims on abstract values or concepts. Include a scholarly reputable definition of that abstract idea. Break down the key points in the definition. What do they mean for society as a whole?
Offer praise for our society because we value this idea or because we don’t allow this idea. This will help you follow through on your warrants later on.
Why does society value this concept? Is this a healthy or unhealthy value for us to have? What evidence do we have that we value or don’t value this concept? Offer some specific examples of our behavior or policies that show we do or do not value this concept.
Why is this concept positive or negative? Whom does it protect? Why is that good? What would it be like if we did not value this concept?
Discuss an example, perhaps in history, of this example doing harm or good. Is that something we want to repeat? Why or why not? For instance, what was it like when we didn’t value consent?
Developing the specific example(s):
After establishing the significance of the abstract concept, include an example of this concept clearly relating to the topic of the act between M and B in the form of a well-chosen quotation. Analyze each example before including another one.
Make sure you pick quotes with the most impact. Avoid “lukewarm” quotations and choose only quotations that have potential for analysis. There should be some degree of complexity to the quotations or you will not be able to analyze them. Use only quotations that allow you to “unpack” them.
Avoid using too many quotations. Fewer quotations with more analysis is preferable over many quotations and little analysis. Give the quote any context it needs so your reader can fully understand its significance. Do this BEFORE you present the quotation rather than after.
Why is this quotation important? What exactly is happening in this example? What does it imply? What are the most important words in the quotation? Go back to them and explain their implications.
If the example is wrong, what would be right? Why? If the example is right, what would be wrong? Why?
How does the abstract concept factor into this specific example? Reuse your keywords/phrases from the earlier part of the paragraph to create unity.
Developing the warrant:
Develop your warrant. Conclude that, if the abstract concept is good or bad (as has been established), and it is or is not present in this specific example, then the main argument holds true. For instance, “If our limits on consent are protective and beneficial to all, and it’s clear that Brandes’ consent falls within one of these limitations we have on consent, then his consent is not valid, and the act was a violation of his rights; therefore, it was immoral.” You really need to spell this out for a few sentences at the end of the paragraph for your reader.
Start with your abstract concept, then refer back to the specific example in the case, and then follow through on your main claim. Do this for 2 – 3 sentences.
End the entire paragraph with a reinforcement of your topic sentence argument. 
Counterclaim Questions for Development
Here are some tips for making your counterclaims clear:
The counterclaims are not your opinions. They are not in support of your argument. Rather, the counterclaim is how you predict your opposition would respond to your claim paragraph that precedes each counterclaim.
Use a ​signal phrase ​that lets the reader know that this is not your opinion. Make it clear that this argument comes from the other side of the argument by using a phrase like “Those who believe that ….” or “The opposition would argue…”. or you could say, “Those who believe Meiwes and Brandes’ act was not morally wrong might argue…”  If you don’t use some kind of language like this, it will seem like you are disagreeing with yourself and it could get very confusing for the reader.
Keep counterclaims brief. Don’t let them take over the whole paragraph. Spend only about ​3-5 sentences ​on this part. Do feel free to use a quotation to help present the counterclaim, of course.
Try to include a quotation​ or some kind of specific reference in the counterclaim portion. You can use a quotation from one of the articles or the podcast. If you absolutely can’t find a quote, you can simply present a possible counterclaim in your own words.
When you are presenting the counterclaim, ​DO NOT ARGUE YET​. Present the opposition’s side neutrally and briefly. You will argue and break it apart next in the rebuttal. There is no need to immediately present the counterclaim with a biased tone.
On the other hand, ​don’t present the counterclaim so well that it ruins your argument. ​Do not lead the reader to get confused and think you suddenly changed your mind about your original claim. Don’t say something like “Anyone who would agree to this act must be insane” if you are arguing that the act is not wrong. Instead, say “Those who believe the act was immoral BELIEVE that Brandes must have been mentally ill and would argue that the act was, therefore, immoral.”
Here are some possible ideas for counterclaims if you are arguing that the act WAS NOT immoral:
Anyone who would consent to that must be “crazy” (you can rebut this as a begging the question fallacy and discuss how these men were NOT mentally ill. Plus, it’s irresponsible to “diagnose” people as non-experts.)
Eating human flesh could make one sick (you can rebut this as a red herring – Plus, Meiwes didn’t get sick, so it’s a moot point. Plus, risk does not equal immorality.)
We owe respect to the dead – (To NOT do what Meiwes did would be disrespect since, if we owe the dead anything, it was what they asked for when they were alive. It would only be disrespect if the dead had no idea this would happen. This could be discussed as a false analogy/false comparison.)
This act could encourage others to do the same (The majority of people are never going to do this and don’t want to. You can rebut this as a slippery slope)
Even Meiwes changed his mind about his act and regrets it. (you could rebut this as a confirmation bias fallacy. Plus one’s own opinion about their act is irrelevant.)
Here are some ideas for counterclaims if you are arguing that the act WAS morally wrong:
These men were practicing their sexual freedom ( you can rebut this as a false dilemma – one can express sexual freedom without dying or killing someone – We don’t have to make a choice between being ok with death or else we are not in support of sexual freedom. There were other options, such as vore forum role playing or even what the Dutch TV hosts did.)
This was an assisted suicide (you can rebut this as a false analogy since Meiwes is not a doctor and Brandes was not terminally ill)
It didn’t hurt anyone else (you could argue that the act caused public fear and disgust and that we owe mental safety to society)
It’s an isolated incident and began and ended with these two men. (This is not necessarily true. They might not encourage a lot of people to do the same, but there have been other cases like this since M and B’s act. Look them up and argue that this should not be encouraged because, while EVERYBODY won’t do it, those already inclined might.)
Here is an example of a counterclaim portion of a paragraph. The overall argument would be that the act WAS NOT morally wrong, and this counterclaim would be “predicting” what the opposition who thinks it was wrong might say. Imagine that the idea of the act being a spiritual endeavor was just argued in a claim paragraph. This is what may follow that as the counterclaim. Of course, there would be a topic sentence before this and lots of rebuttal after it. This is only the counterclaim portion of the paragraph:
While those who believe Meiwes and Brandes’ act was morally wrong may agree that the act was a spiritual endeavor, they would, likely, argue that the act is disrespectful to the dead, stating, “cannibalism violates the general principle that we ought to respect the dead, and hence, cannibalism is morally reprehensible” (Wisnewski 19). They would insist that eating any dead body oversteps natural boundaries and shirks our duty to protect the dead. They would view the cutting up, saving, cooking, and eating of a corpse to be an egregious and reprehensible act, and, therefore, would still feel that what Meiwes and Brandes did was morally wrong, despite its being motivated by bonding between the two men. 
(Notice that this is only three sentences, and it does only what it needs to do: It makes it clear that the writer of the essay is not of this opinion, and it very briefly and neutrally explains the opposing point of view.)
Sources: The other sources are in the attached file name as “Cannibalism articles”.
Note: This is the second draft of the essay so please review the comment from the professor and and then continue with the instructions above, don’t forget to take a look to the slide that I provide.

Social Work

“Creating a Proposal for Addressing Discrimination in a Policy: A Detailed Plan for Change and Leadership Strategies” “Effective Data Collection and Management in Social Work Evaluation: A Scholarly Approach”

In this assignment, you will create a proposal detailing and building upon the information presented in the last two assignments. First, present the current policy that is negatively impacting an oppressed population, including who and in what ways the population is being affected. Then describe a detailed plan designed to remedy the shortcomings of the current policy. In addition, discuss the leadership skills necessary to gain support for the proposal and determine which of those skills you already possess and which you may need to develop. You will include an evaluation plan that presents the data needed to demonstrate that the change has had the desired outcome. This will include the definition of success and the ways in which the data will be collected. Remember to support all main points, assertions, arguments, conclusions, or recommendations with relevant, credible, and convincing evidence.
By successfully completing this assignment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following competencies and behaviors:
EPAS Competency 2: Advance human rights and social, racial, economic, and environmental justice.
C2.GP.A: Advocate for human rights at the individual, family, group, organizational, and community system levels.
Related Assignment Criteria:
Explain a detailed plan for enacting change to address discrimination in the selected policy or program.
Discuss leadership skills needed to implement the plan to address discriminatory issues in the selected policy or program.
Explain how the plan to change the policy or program will be evaluated.
Explain how the evaluation data will be collected and managed.
For this assignment, in a 4–6 page paper:
Explain a detailed plan for enacting change to address discrimination in the selected policy or program.
Include steps for implementation, a budget, and specific sources for funding.
Discuss leadership skills needed to implement the plan to address discriminatory issues in the selected policy or program.
Reflect on your personal application of or capacities for these leadership skills.
Explain how the plan to change the policy or program will be evaluated.
Detail the data that will be necessary to measure the plan’s success.
Explain how the evaluation data will be collected and managed.
Describe how the data will be collected and managed to maintain ethical integrity.
Support main points, assertions, arguments, conclusions, or recommendations with relevant, credible, and convincing evidence.
Synthesize evidence to demonstrate its importance to your discussion or argument.
Apply APA style and formatting to scholarly writing.
Demonstrate correct stylistic conventions, document structure, and source attributions.
Additional Requirements
Your assignment is expected to meet the following requirements:
Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to current APA style and formatting standards.
Resources: A minimum of six resources.
Length of paper: 4–6 double-spaced pages (not including reference list).
Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.
Due date: Assignment must be submitted to your instructor in the courseroom no later than 11:59 p.m. CST Sunday of this week.
View the Proposal rubric to ensure you fulfill all grading criteria.
Competencies Measured
By successfully completing this assignment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and scoring guide criteria:
Competency 4: Advocate for human rights at the individual, family, group, organizational, and community system levels. (C2.GP.A)
Explain a detailed plan for enacting change to address discrimination in the selected policy or program. (C2.GP.A)
Discuss leadership skills needed to implement the plan to address discriminatory issues in the selected policy or program. (C2.GP.A)
Explain how the plan to change the policy or program will be evaluated. (G2.GP.A)
Explain how the evaluation data will be collected and managed. (C2.GP.A)
Competency 5: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with expectations for members of the social work profession.
Support main points, assertions, arguments, conclusions, or recommendations with relevant and credible evidence.
Apply APA style and formatting to scholarly writing.


“Understanding the Impact of Lifestyle Choices on Cancer Risk: A Guide for Informed Decision Making”

Create a pamphlet that communicates the information from the analysis submitted as Assessment 1. Your pamphlet should be appropriate to your audience and informs them of the impacts lifestyle choices have on the risk of cancer.
In this assessment, you will further develop your problem-solving skills as you explore how scientists are using discoveries about the human genome to treat and prevent diseases.
In Assessment 1, you analyzed a data set and then used the scientific method to determine if the data supports your hypothesis on whether lifestyle choices can reduce the risk of cancer. In this assessment, you will demonstrate results-driven skills by translating the study you analyzed in Assessment 1 into a pamphlet that will educate a targeted audience so they can make informed decisions for themselves.
You work as a research assistant at a primary care center, where your role is to ask patients their lifestyle choices (that is, smoking, exercise, environmental exposures, et cetera). Based on this information, create a pamphlet to inform patients the risks of their choices so that the patients can make informed decisions for themselves.
Create a pamphlet that is appropriate for your targeted audience. You may use tools such as Word, PowerPoint, or Publisher to create your pamphlet. If you feel stuck, you can do a Google search to see examples of pamphlet layouts.
omplete the following:
Step 1: Interpret the benefits and risks to the consumer using evidence from the course resources or your own study. Provide opinions and examples to support your interpretation and message to the targeted readers.
Step 2: Create a pamphlet appropriate for targeted readers. Use the information from Assessment 1 to fully describe the impacts of lifestyle choices on the risk of cancer. Make sure you include resources for targeted readers who might want to do more reading on the information found in your pamphlet.
When you are satisfied with your pamphlet, submit it to this assessment.
The Scientific Method and Innovations: Part 2 Scoring Guide
Interpret the benefits and risks to the consumer using evidence from the course resources or own study. Does not describe the benefits and risks to the consumer using evidence from the course resources or own study. Describes the benefits and risks to the consumer using evidence from the course resources or own study. Interprets the benefits and risks to the consumer using evidence from the course resources or own study. Interprets the benefits and risks to the consumer using evidence from course resources or own study and translates the information into an easy to understand format for targeted audience.
Create a pamphlet appropriate for targeted readers. Does not create a pamphlet that is appropriate for targeted readers. Creates a pamphlet that is somewhat appropriate for targeted readers. Creates a pamphlet appropriate for targeted readers. Creates a pamphlet appropriate for targeted readers including resources for targeted readers.
Write in a well-organized and concise manner that adheres to the rules of grammar, usage, and mechanics. Does not write in a well-organized and concise manner. Writes in a way that is unclear, wordy, or disconnected, with errors in grammar, usage, and mechanics. Writes in a well-organized and concise manner that adheres to the rules of grammar, usage, and mechanics. Organizes content so clarity is enhanced and all ideas flow logically and smoothly. Writes concisely, precisely, and directly, with nearly flawless adherence to the rules of grammar, usage, and mechanics.


The Ever-Changing Definition of Family Draft: Family: Redefining the Traditional Concept In today’s society, the dictionary definition of family is often associated with a married couple and their children. However, as society continues to evolve, the

Extend the definition of one of the following words beyond either the dictionary’s definition or a societal understanding of the word:
In the introduction of your draft, briefly explain how the dictionary or society defines the word you’ve selected, and then explain the extended definition of the word in a single-sentence thesis towards the end that outlines the main points of extension. In the body paragraphs, provide unique examples and explanations to support these points of the extended definition.
Your thesis must inform your readers of the extended definition and, because you are writing in the informative mode, you must use objective language. For this essay, writing in the informative mode means avoiding writing in the first-person and/or framing personal examples using objective language.
Draft an extended definition essay that defines or redefines a word or concept.
Step 2. Think About Your Writing
As a part of your completed draft, complete the color-coding activity and include answers to all of the questions below your draft.
PART 1: Color-Coding Activity
Using the color codes provided, evaluate your draft as follows:
Use red text to indicate your thesis statement.
Use green text to indicate the topic sentence of each body paragraph.
PART 2: Reflection Questions
What is the significance of your essay? Why should readers care about what you have written? (2-3 sentences) Sophia says: Think about why you decided to analyze this particular image, or why you picked the word you chose to define. Your interest in your subject matter should be clear to readers.
Which areas of your draft do you think will benefit most from revision? (2-3 sentences) Sophia says: Consider the organization, style, focus, development, and conventions of your draft. Which areas did you struggle to complete?
Consider the strengths and weaknesses of your writing. How can you capitalize on your strengths and improve on your weaknesses in future essays? (3-4 sentences) Sophia says: Think about what was easy about writing the draft, and what was more difficult. For example, if you write paragraphs with strong topic sentences, but repeatedly use the same type of sentence to provide supporting details, you can improve your paragraphs by varying sentence structure.

Business and Management

Title: Assessing Social Media Strategy of [Company Name] as a Marketing and Branding Tool

Pick a company that uses social media as a marketing and branding tool. Review at least three social media accounts your company of choice uses and assess the following:
Based on their social media, how would you describe the company? How is the company trying to portray itself on social media?
Are users interacting with the company on social media? If so, how are they responding?
Do you think the company you are assessing has an effective strategy for using social media as a marketing tool?

Health & Medical

Title: Using the PDSA Cycle to Improve Consumer Engagement with Health Information Technologies: A Case Study in Implementing a Mobile Health App

Topic: Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA)
You are a health care administrator responsible for overseeing the implementation of a recently introduced a mobile health app to provide health information, appointment scheduling, and medication reminders to patients. However, after the initial rollout of the technology, you have encountered challenges in getting some patients to embrace the app and its features.
● In this scenario, discuss how the Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) cycle can be applied to continuously improve consumer engagement with health information technologies.
● Discuss how a well-defined timeline can support the PDSA cycle and help in measuring progress toward the goals of increased engagement. How would you balance the need for immediate improvements with the long-term benefits of sustained engagement?


Title: Approaches to Addressing Nurse Staffing Ratios in Nursing Practice: A Leadership Perspective Nurse Staffing Ratios: Nurse staffing ratios refer to the number of patients assigned to each nurse in a healthcare setting. This issue has

The purpose of this assignment is to analyze the various approaches nursing leaders employ when addressing issues in practice.
Issue to be addressed: nurse staffing ratios,.
Discuss the following:
Describe the issue you selected. Provide data to support how this issue impacts the quality of care in the setting in which it occurs.
Using research evidence for support, present one possible solution that could be implemented to address the issue. In your discussion, be sure to include financial considerations as they relate to implementation of the solution.
Describe a leadership style that would best address the issue.
Discuss how this leadership style compares to your personal leadership style.
Compare two different leadership theories that could be applied to resolution of the issue. Explain how each theory would be effective in addressing the issue.
Discuss the nurse’s role within an interdisciplinary team in promoting patient quality and safety while fostering professionalism to address this issue.
You are required to cite a minimum of three sources to complete this assignment. Sources must be appropriate for the assignment and relevant to nursing practice and within the last 8 years.