Accounting Major with and without a Minor in Finan

“Report on Comparative Analysis of Study Abroad Options: Spain vs Australia” Title: Exploring the Implementation of Artificial Intelligence in the Healthcare Industry: A Decision-Making Report

REQUIRED Elements (Organize in the order listed below):
Front Matter: The front matter uses Roman numerals for page numbers, follow the number guidelines below: 
The front matter will include:
A Letter of Transmittal written to me. This can be formatted as either a memo or letter – just follow the correct conventions for whatever format you choose. This should be one page at the most and should very briefly introduce the report – you don’t need this to be as detailed as the letter example in the book – three brief paragraphs will work. This doesn’t have a page number shown on it and doesn’t count as the first page. It’s like an attachment to the report.
A Title Page: Listing report title, author(s), person or people prepared for, and the date. This counts as Roman numeral i but the page does not show the number on it.
A Table of Contents: Lists the sections (typically the headings) of your report and corresponding page numbers. This is the first page to actually show a page number on it – Roman numeral ii.
List of Illustrations (or List of Figures): A table of contents to the illustrations or visuals in the report (do not include the actual visuals in this – just their titles and corresponding page numbers). Continue Roman numeral page numbering in this section if this is on its own page.
Executive Summary (one-page max): This is a short summary of the key facts of the entire report including a summary of the topic, research, options compared, and which one you are recommending. Continue Roman numeral page numbering.
Report Body:  The below elements are the main body of the report – use normal page numbers starting with “1” for the rest of the report. This should all be one section – don’t start each section on its own page:
Introduction: Your intro should orient your reader to your report. You can draw on some of the same info/wording that you used in your proposal for this, but this intro should be a little more detailed and should be written as if the research has already been done rather than something you are proposing to do. The intro section should include the following sections. Actually list the below names out as different subheadings to organize your intro section:
Background – Briefly introduce the report topic and supply any necessary background information your audience may need.
Problem and Purpose – Explain the purpose and problem you focused on (and be sure to identify the two or more options you compared against each other to solve the problem).
Scope – Answer the following questions in paragraph form: What are the limits of your topic – what did you not focus on because of limits on your time, money, or other things that are outside your control/you are unable to know? What audience is the focus for the report (there might be two audiences – the primary audience is me since it is written to me but what other secondary audiences might also find the content useful? Is it just a personal decision or does the decision potentially apply to a bigger group?). 
Research Methods:
This section should overview the research that you did for the report. Answer the following questions in paragraph form: What did you do to look for sources (e.g. where did you begin your research? Where did you find the most useful research?) Who did you survey or interview for your required primary source? Were there any sources you had trouble finding or that you didn’t include for any reason?
Options Discussion –
This section should compare the options you looked at (e.g. studying abroad in Spain vs Australia) against each other using the relevant criteria (e.g. costs of the trip, personal interest).
You can organize the elements of this section in whatever method seems logical, as long as you include the required info. For example, you might choose to go through each criteria point (e.g. costs/timeline/reliability) and discuss the positives and negatives for each option. You should also break up the organization of this section with subheadings and integrate visuals and research in a logical manner throughout the body of the report.
Include your decision matrix either at the end of this section or somewhere near the beginning of the next section.
Recommendation and Conclusion:
Discuss which option you are recommending and why given everything that was discussed in the previous sections. Talk about why any advantages outweighed the disadvantages.
Discuss steps needed to pursue this option. (e.g. saving money, further research, etc.)
Back Matter:
Works cited page
A reflective letter outlining:
An explanation of any generative AI or other materials you used to create the report. Explain which tools you use and how you used them in different parts of the assignment. If you didn’t use any AI, then say that.
A brief explanation of what your process was for writing the report
If you worked with a partner, a section describing the different tasks each person performed.
Anything else you want me to know about the assignment while I’m grading it.
Optional Appendix items – e.g. surveys, glossary, additional charts, etc.
Additional Details:
Format and Design: The total page count (which includes the front matter and report body but not the back matter) will be about 12-15 pages. You can go one page over or under this page count as long as you are meeting the assignment requirements. It should be single-spaced with one line space between paragraphs (no indentations for paragraphs, The report should be typed in a professional font in 11 or 12pt size. The report will be submitted on Canvas and needs to be submitted as one document instead of multiple ones.
Research: You are required to use at least six credible sources and at least one of these needs to be a primary source (either a survey or interview). You should have some of these from the proposal, and you can add additional research too. Cite your source materials using in-text citations and a works cited list according to either MLA or APA style (only use source citation style for this – you don’t need to follow other requirements like double spacing or listing your name, class, etc. on the first page).
Visuals and Graphic Highlights: Use visuals (graphs, tables, etc.) to help your reader process the nuts and bolts of your report. (AT LEAST THREE ARE REQUIRED – at least one needs to be a decision matrix, and at least one needs to be an original chart or graphic that you created and aren’t just copying from a source). ALL figures should be introduced prior and followed by explanatory text and should include a caption that notes the source (if you created a chart or took a picture, list your own name). These should not be sloppily copied and pasted from a source.  You’ll also want to organize the information so it’s easy to read using headings, subheadings, and bullet points.