advanced composition

“Analyzing Effectiveness: A Critical Evaluation of a TED Talk”

Your Evaluation Essay, based on a TED Talk or video, is due this week. As previously noted, you may choose your own TED Talk or video to respond to, but be sure to check with your protessor to make sure it is appropriate.
Here are some additional reminders about the essay requirements.
Your primary purpose is to analyze and evaluate the speaker’s presentation, not merely to summarize it.
Your overall judgement of the presentation will be be stated in a thesis statement that uses the term effective or ineffective.
The essay’s structure will include an introduction, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion.
The length of the essay must be between 600-900 words.
The essay must follow APA format.

advanced composition

“Community Solutions: Tackling Local Issues for a Better Future”

Here are some possible topics:
Improving some aspect of education in your community, either at the K–12 level or in colleges
Addressing a local environmental problem, such as water pollution, hurricane preparedness, or forest fire mitigation
Improving the relationship between law enforcement officials and local residents
Dealing with problems of substance abuse and addiction
Reducing crime and improving safety in your area
Confronting an issue affecting workers in your profession, such as low wages or lack of job security
Attracting and supporting new businesses in your community
Providing affordable housing in your city or region to reduce homelessness
Promoting good corporate citizenship in your city or region