African american music history

“Breaking Boundaries: John Coltrane’s Ascension and the Subversion of Conventional Understandings of Black Music and Politics”

John Coltrane’s Ascension undermines conventional understandings of music. The album Ascension was released in 1966 at the height of the Civil Rights Movement and Black Power. How does this album reflect the themes we have discussed in class regarding Black music traditions? In other words, how do our understandings of Blues, Jazz, R&B, the racialization of music genres, and Black politics (e.g. Black Power as represented by Stokely Carmichael or Assata Shakur), influence your listening and research of John Coltrane’s Ascension?
Minimum Requirements:
8 full pages of research, not including Works Cited page.
MLA format, separate Works Cited, 12-point font, 1-inch margins.
Times New Roman font.
You can search on the but you must have At least, four sources from the course materials. 
Must respond to the prompt above regarding John Coltrane’s entire album, Ascension.
Must provide critical evidence of the album’s history, making, influence in connection to class discussions and materials.