Agency-Based Education I

Evidence-Based Intervention Search “Overcoming the Fear of Public Speaking: Evidence-Based Interventions for a 34-Year-Old Caucasian Client”

Question: Evidence-Based Intervention Search
Let’s take a look at your new client:
The client is 34 years old and Caucasian. He explains he has a fear of public speaking. He has always avoided public speaking but now he must make presentations as part of his work. He explains, “I do great when I’m explaining things to people one-on-one, but when I try and talk to a group, I get all nervous and I can’t concentrate.”
Conduct an internet search of evidence-based clearinghouses and documents to get information on the diagnosis and different interventions that would be appropriate to use. Summarize your findings in the form provided. Download the pdf, fill it in, and upload it here.
Upload your file below. Use the naming convention “Last Name_First Name.”

Agency-Based Education I

Title: “The Power of Mindful Coloring: A Self-Care Activity for Balance and Burnout Prevention” Good evening everyone, my name is [Your Name] and I am excited to share with you my self-care activity of choice –

Select and describe your self care activity. You have full autonomy to create a creative, engaging and informative presentation about your selected activity. Your presentation should be 5-10 minutes and should include the following points:
 What made you select this activity and how often do you do it.
 How often do you practice self care in general and do you feel like you have a good school life balance to fully incorporate self care. If not, how can you improve on this.
 What are the benefits and challenges of the activity you selected.
 How does this activity help with burnout.
 How can this activity be implemented into practice when working with clients.