American Cinema

“Exploring Different Waves of New Hollywood Filmmaking through Film Analysis and Creative Reimagining”

ORIGINAL POST: After watching one of the above films, discuss how that film represents its particular “wave” of New Hollywood filmmaking. How are its themes and filmmaking style unique to that era of filmmakers? As always, use SPECIFIC examples from the film to prove your point. 
RESPONSE POST: Choose a fellow student’s post that discussed a different film than the one you discussed in your own post. In your response, discuss how that film would have been different if directed by someone from the opposite “wave” of New Hollywood filmmakers. For example, if they discussed Dog Day Afternoon, you would write how it would have been different if a second wave director had made the film instead. Use your imagination and try and reimagine specific scenes or sequences in the film in your response.  (please respond to the post i attached below)