Archaeology and Popular Culture

“Unearthing the Truth: A Critical Analysis of Archaeology and Popular Culture”

Instructions: You are required to write a paper (@6 pages, double spaced, 12-font) on archaeology and popular culture. The paper must be in proper essay format and all source material must be referenced (in-text citations as well as a references cited page). We will be using the SAA Style Guide (information posted on D2L). Sub-headings are encouraged. The title page and the references cited page do not count towards overall paper length for this assignment. Please number your pages!
The focus of your paper should be on the portrayal of archaeology (and archaeologists) in popular culture. After an introduction to your paper, begin with a general discussion of archaeology and popular culture, using at least 2 of the assigned readings/articles from the course (Week 3 Documents on D2L), in addition to 2 academic sources from your own research into archaeology and popular culture. Next, using your own words, profile and discuss 2 specific examples of the portrayal of archaeology/archaeologists in popular culture. This can include movies/movie franchises (hi Indy), television shows (hi Relic Hunter), video games (hi Lara Croft), or fiction (hi Agatha Christie), or something I haven’t thought of…there is a lot out there, and you can tailor your paper to your own personal favourites. Pretty well anything goes, but cross-overs such as Tomb Raider would count as one example, and Bones wouldn’t qualify (apologies to my biological anthropologists). You are not required to include reference information for your examples in the references cited section, but do provide some context in your discussion for the uninitiated (especially if discussing a video game). After profiling your 2 examples comment on the following in a separate discussion section: How do stereotypes derived from popular culture influence public perceptions of archaeology? What are the positives and negatives of such portrayals? Do you believe that the positives outweigh the negatives or vice versa? Cap off your paper with an awesome conclusion. Don’t forget to have fun with the topic!