Army Sexual Assault and Harassment Program (SHARP)

The Power of Prevention: The Positives of the Army Sexual Assault and Harassment Program Introduction Sexual assault and harassment are serious issues that have plagued the military for decades. In the United States Army, these issues have been addressed through the

Construct a Persuaive Essay on the positives of the Army Sexual Assualt and Harrasment Program. 
Analyze and evaluate the major points of your case study for research to write your persuasive essay.
Use your time to develop a deep understanding of your topic to fully explain your stance on the topic.
You are required to give an in-depth introduction to your topic. Provide transitional sentences from
one topic to the next. Then develop the body of the paper fully using no less than 3 full pages and no
more than 5 pages, this does not include the APA format title and references page. Finally, provide a
summative conclusion. Provide a total of two references for your references page. Ensure you use
the current APA format for writing. The font includes 11-point Calibri, 11-point Arial, or 10-point
Lucida Sans Unicode, or a serif font such as 12-point Times New Roman, 11-point Georgia, or 10-
point Computer Modern