Article Writing

Title: Exploring Gender and Identity in Afropolitanism through Selasi’s TED Talk and Unigwe’s Short Story

1. Do you think Afropolitanism can be analysed from a gendered perspective?
2. How do you assess Selasi’s notion of culture, nation and location in view of the notion of identity? Especially the 3 r’s of her talk:
rituals, relations and restrictions
3. How do you assess Selasi’s ideas in relation to Unigwe’s short story that you have read?
“Don’t ask where I’m from, ask where I’m a local” (TED Talk 2015)

Article Writing

Using Financial Ratios to Evaluate the Performance of Supply Chain Management: A Comprehensive Analysis

Hello buddy, I want you to do a thesis writing on the following topic below- THE USE OF FINANCIAL RATIOS TO EVALUATE THE PERFORMANCE OF SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT. I Would share the seminar work done already, which is more like a thesis proposal below as an attachment and also I would like you to follow the thesis table of Contents shared as an attachment below to write the thesis. In the thesis table of content, you do not need to do chapter 4 because it is already done, which I would share as an attachment for you below, you only work use the chapter four attachment to work on chapter five and finally chapter six. The seminar (thesis proposal) is for you to use it to draw ideas to write the thesis. I do not want you to copy the seminar writings into the thesis you would write, I just need you to draw idea from the seminar writings and write the thesis. Note- I would not tolerate that you copy and paste the seminar writings into the thesis writings because I would not accept the work, only just draw idea from the seminar to write the thesis proper. Also use the thesis table of Contents attachment to write the thesis, likewise also the chapter 4 document to write the thesis as well. I hope you understand everything clearly being stated.This are the attachments below Anticipating your positive response.

Article Writing

“Empowering Recovery: Connecting Individuals with Substance Abuse to Community Resources”

CHoose a city/community where either you currently live OR a place that you hope to work in the future. Using the chosen location, identify a local organization or agency that provides services/program specific to individuals with substance abuse/addiction. These services should be community based NOT physician or hospital related services. The goal is to find organizations that an RT would realisticall educate clients about (consider adaptive sports programs, inclusive recreation, support groups, special events, assistive technology resources, community education, etc.) Locations such as hospitals, inpatient treatment programs or physician referrals do NOT meet the criteria.
Once the organization is identified, students will create a flyer or newsletter to share information about that organization (in one page).
The information should be presented in a visually impactful and organized format that is ‘client ready, which means this could potentially be a resource that you print out and provide to a future client. Be sure to include all the information listed below in your template – be conscious of layout, grammar, and applicability of information listed.
Consider the following information in your template:
Organization name/logo
Population and location served
Services Offered
Description of the services provided
How can someone access the resources/services (i.e. enrollment, cost associated, education materials, etc.)
Benefits of getting involved in organization
Contact info/website
Photos/ images associated with organization
Requirements: 1 Page

Article Writing

“Enhancing the Quality of a Literature Review on the Impact of Exercise on Mental Health”

This is my Third Lit Review Draft. Please don’t write a whole new paper. Just add the corrections on to the original paper that my teacher wants. I will put a file of the original paper in here and don’t worry about the word count because you are just correcting/adding on to the original paper. The corrections my teacher wants: The Introduction: effectively sets the context and highlights the importance of exercise on mental health. However, it could benefit from a clearer statement that briefly summarizes the main focus and argument of the lit review.
Organization and structure:- The literature review covers many studies and offers a comprehensive overview.However, organizing the main body into subsections based on themes or categories of studies could enhance readability and coherence. For instance, separate sections for studies on children and adolescents, adults, and the elderly could make the review more structured.
Critical analysis: The review summarizes various studies but could delve deeper into critical analysis and evaluation. For each study or group of studies, consider discussing the methodology’s strengths and weaknesses, the significance of the findings, and how they contribute to the broader understanding of the topic.
Synthesis:- There’s an attempt to synthesize the findings across different studies, which is commendable. Yet, this could be strengthened by drawing more explicit connections between studies, identifying overarching trends, and discussing potential reasons for inconsistencies or contradictory findings.
Discussion of conflicting evidence: The section on conflicting evidence is crucial and well-placed. Exploring these contradictions further is important, providing potential explanations or hypotheses about why certain studies might have yielded different results.
Conclusions and recommendations:The conclusion summarizes the key findings well. However, it could also reflect on the implications of these findings for practice, policy, and future research. The recommendations are practical and relevant, but ensuring they are directly linked to the review’s findings will make them more robust.
Writing and style:The review is generally well-written, but watch out for any informal language or phrasing that might detract from the academic tone. Additionally, ensuring consistency in presenting study details (e.g., authors, year, main findings) would improve professionalism and readability.
References and APA Style: Ensure that all cited studies are listed in the reference section following the APA format. It’s crucial to check for any missing details or inconsistencies in the citation style.Your lit review demonstrates a solid effort in exploring a significant topic. Enhancing its structure, depth of analysis, and synthesis will elevate its quality and contribute meaningfully to understanding exercise’s impact on mental health.

Article Writing

“Journalist Spotlight: Exposing Human Rights Violations Through Courageous Reporting”

WRITING GOAL: Write a feature story about your assigned journalist that showcases the key elements of their journalistic career. This piece should expose how your journalist wrote in the face of human rights violations and what stories they were desperately trying to bring to the public’s attention. This piece should feel like an authentic feature story written for a news publication and should inspire your reader to take action to prevent these human rights violations in the future. ELEMENTS OF A FEATURE STORY: Feature stories concern a particular individual (in this case, your journalist) and explore an interesting element of their lives. These stories should go beyond surface facts, giving the reader detailed background information. In addition to these facts, the author will offer interpretation based upon the facts and background information and an analysis as to its larger significance. Feature stories should be an explanation of the WHY behind the central issues connected to your subject. Multiple research sources are necessary to write these pieces effectively. SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS: The feature should begin with a lead (a “hook”) that captures attention and arouses curiosity
The feature should emphasize a fresh and interesting angle to the subject (your journalist) and establishes their individuality
The piece should have a colorful, lively presentation and use an effective form/style (think photos, bolded headers, hyperlinks, etc.)
The piece should feature descriptive writing that demonstrates the concept of “show, don’t tell”
This piece should clearly analyze the “so what” associated with the facts about your journalist. Why does this matter? How does it connect to human rights issues? Why must your reader know about it? Analysis should reflect to the key interpretive and analytical skills practiced through the “Bad News” excerpts
The feature should reflect adequate research from a variety of sources. Sources should be given credit within the feature
This piece should avoid an encyclopedic listing of the subject’s accomplishments or excessive summary
The feature should be effectively organized with smooth transitions
The feature should include sentences and paragraphs of varied length; written clearly, concisely and vividly.
Whenever possible, this piece should incorporate an effective use of quotes
This piece should be of an extended length in order to reflect the depth of the story. Approximate length suggestion is 2-3 pages This piece should include at least 3 visual elements (photos, videos, etc)
This piece should be interesting to the reader and appeal to their emotions
This piece should reflect standard newswriting techniques and include appropriate diction and grammar
must haves
Catchy title
Byline (by: Your Name)
Engaging writing
Background information about the journalist
Mention of the difficulties the journalist has encountered because of their work
Mention of the future outlook of this issue
Relevant quotes
An explanation of why this story matters/why this is important
Intentional word choice
Author’s craft elements (unique syntax, imagery, repetition, etc)
Use of credible sources
Photos of the person and where they were reporting
Might have
people’s thoughts on the journalist or their work
Emotional connections
Extra tidbits of unique or interesting information
Information about their schooling
Information about their previous work experience
Connections to other journalists or issues around the world

Article Writing

Title: Addressing Socio-Economic Disparities in Healthcare Access and Outcomes: Strategies for Achieving Health Equity

How do socio-economic factors influence access to healthcare, and what steps can be taken to address disparities in healthcare access and outcomes?

Article Writing

“Addressing the Impact of Social Media on Mental Health: A Comprehensive Literature Review and Analysis” Introduction: The introduction of this paper will provide an overview of the topic at hand, which is the impact of social media on mental health. It will

I have attached two document: 1. Instructions as per the teachers feedback 2. My research paper to be worked on
Follow instructions carefully
**The paper is completed the actions stated by the teacher need to be added to each part (literature review and analysis) to finish the paper

Article Writing

Responding to Maria’s Video on Effective Communication

please respond. watch video and then respond to Maria. with 400. words. a p a style. citations and references

Article Writing

Assessment and Accreditation in Higher Education: Key Learnings and Future Challenges

please respond to Maria. with. 400. words. a p a style citations and references . no plagiarism no. AI. generator or chat bots. original work please.
Based this class the data presented, the five most important things I have learned regarding assessment and accreditation are:
1. The importance of aligning program learning outcomes with appropriate assignments and direct assessment methods to measure student achievement and program effectiveness. This ensures that students can apply their learning in real-world situations and provides evidence of their competency.
2. The significance of measuring student satisfaction with non-academic services through national indirect outcome assessment methods, such as standardized surveys, and local indirect methods, such as focus groups or interviews. This helps institutions gather feedback on the effectiveness of their support services and make improvements based on student experiences.
3. The role of regional accrediting agencies, such as the Higher Learning Commission (HLC), in accrediting colleges and universities. These agencies require institutions to demonstrate how their curriculum and assessments align with program learning outcomes and provide evidence of student satisfaction and outcomes related to support services. Continuous improvement is also emphasized to maintain accreditation.
4. The continuum of assessment essentials includes the planning, implementing, improving, and sustaining phases. Engaging stakeholders and establishing purposes are crucial in the planning phase while providing leadership, developing data collection strategies, and ensuring resources are important in the implementation phase. The improving and sustaining phase focuses on ensuring the credibility of assessment evidence, sharing and acting on findings, and providing resources for improvements.
5. The compatibility of assessment and accreditation with a Christian worldview. These processes align with Christian stewardship, accountability, and excellence principles, as they promote quality and hold institutions accountable for their educational offerings.
Ranking the three significant challenges facing higher education assessment and accreditation in the future can be subjective, but a rationale for the ranking could be as follows:
1. Ensuring continuous improvement and adaptation to changing needs and demands: This challenge is ranked first because assessment and accreditation processes need to evolve with advancements in education and the demands of society. Institutions must stay updated and responsive to ensure quality and relevance in their educational offerings.
2. Addressing bias and ensuring fairness in assessment and accreditation: This challenge is ranked second because it is critical to ensure that assessment and accreditation processes are fair and unbiased. This includes addressing cultural, socioeconomic, and other biases that may affect the outcomes and judgments made in these processes.
3. Balancing standardization and flexibility: This challenge is ranked third because it involves finding the right balance between standardized criteria and flexibility in assessment and accreditation. While standardization ensures consistency and comparability, flexibility allows institutions to meet their educational programs’ unique needs and contexts.
These three challenges reflect the ongoing need to improve and innovate in assessment and accreditation to meet evolving demands and ensure fairness and effectiveness in educational practices.

Article Writing

Empowering Stakeholders: A Professional Development Training for Assessment and Accreditation Consulting Effective Strategies for Professional Development Training: A Comprehensive Workshop for Educators

Video Discussion Thread: Assessment and Accreditation Consulting
this assignment for a women only since you have to record yourself presenting.
You have been engaged as a consultant for a department in a Christian university seeking to become accredited. Post a video of you conducting a one-day training workshop for the stakeholders of a university department of your choice. You may choose the academic or non-academic department that selected you as their consultant. You may also choose which regional accreditor the college is applying to for accreditation. Professional Development Training Workshop Video:
Your professional development training workshop (i.e., the PowerPoint presentation you create and record yourself presenting) for the department you selected must contain the following:
The name of the university department, the name of the regional accrediting agency the university reports to, and a brief description of at least three of the department’s programs and services.
A brief description of the department’s stakeholders and their roles and why they selected you as their consultant.
A Christian worldview justification for engaging in the assessment and accreditation processes.
At least two of the regional accreditation agency’s standards that have a bearing on their department.
Departmental assistance identifying outcomes that the department should be striving to achieve for each of the programs and services identified (see first bullet point).
Departmental assistance selecting one or more methods for achieving one of the program or service outcomes identified.
Department assistance selecting one or more ways to assess that outcome.
Departmental help determining how the results of the outcome assessment could be used to make an improvement in that program or service.
Departmental help creating an assessment report for the program or service outcome that the department can contribute to the university’s self-study that documents them meeting one of the accreditation standards that has bearing upon their department.
Video Discussion: Assessment and Accreditation Consulting Assignment Instructions
Making continuous improvements and achieving and maintaining accreditation are two essential goals of today’s higher education institutions. Leaders in these institutions need to determine ways to assist stakeholders in all academic and non-academic departments with the development of knowledge and skills necessary for carrying out assessment processes that lead to program and service improvements and documentation of accreditation compliance. One way is to provide department personnel with professional development opportunities that allow them to acquire or strengthen such knowledge and skills. Doing this demonstrates the desire of leadership to offer support and resources to empower these stakeholders to be able to perform their assessment and accreditation responsibilities. Instructions
For this Video Discussion, you will design a professional development training workshop by creating and presenting a PowerPoint presentation. You must record yourself conducting the professional development training (using your created PowerPoint) as you address each component listed in the thread prompt for the provided scenario. Your Video Discussion Thread must be submitted by 11:59 p.m. (ET) of the assigned Module: Week. Present to your peers by recording a screencast video of you narrating your presentation. Your video presentation must show your PowerPoint presentation as the focal point on the screen with a video window of you audibly narrating and presenting each slide’s information (see the example in the image below). You may use the screencasting video application of your choice (e.g., Kaltura, ScreenPal, Screencastify, etc.). Your video should be 10–15 minutes. For your thread post, you will post your video by copying and pasting the video’s embed code into the appropriate submission area. See the How to Submit a Video Discussion resource provided with this Video Discussion. You must submit narrated videos for this Discussion. Audio-only files or PowerPoint files without audio/video will not be accepted.The PowerPoint presentation you create for the professional development training workshop must include the following:
At least 15 slides, but no more than 20 (the time of your video must be 10–15 minutes).
Lecture notes in each slide of your narrative. Citations and references where appropriate in current APA format. Citations may appear within the slide or the notes section. Provide a references slide at the end of the presentation. A minimum of six scholarly sources must be referenced, four of which are peer-reviewed.
A title page slide. When recording your presentation, present the title page by giving an overview of the presentation’s content (similarly to how an abstract is an overview of a paper). Be sure to include the narrative for your title slide in that slide’s notes section.
When submitting your Video Discussion Thread, be sure to include both your embedded video and the PowerPoint presentation file in your submission.