
“The Lunar Cycle: Exploring the Phases of the Moon and Their Influence on Civilization and Nature”

1.To observe and document the phases of the Moon over a period of time and understand the lunar cycle. Learn about the different phases of the moon and how they occur in relation to the moon, earth and sun. Discuss how different civilizations interpreted lunar phases, including myths, rituals, and religious significance associated with each phase. Investigate whether lunar phases affect natural phenomena such as tides, animal behavior, and agricultural practices.


“Exploring the Final Frontier: A Review of the Article ‘The Search for Extraterrestrial Life'” Article: “The Search for Extraterrestrial Life” by NASA (

Choose 1 article (online web article, journal article, news article, book topic) regarding anything related to space, whether covered in the course or not. 2) Example of topics: space travel, colonization of Mars, newly discovered planets or stars, new technologies, etc… It’s a really broad topic, so you can pick anything that fascinates YOU. I want you to enjoy learning about your topic, so make it something you like. 3) Write a 1 page review of the article, in which you detail why you chose the topic, how it relates to our course or to space science, give a detailed summary of the article, and explain any new valuable information you have learned from this, you can also explain how you could use this information in the future. 4) Make sure to include the citation for your article and use regular 12 point formatting. Use proper grammar and sentence structure. I won’t grade hard for these mistakes.


“Exploring the Rhetoric of Building for Human Life on Mars” In her TED Talk, “How to Build for Human Life on Mars,” architect Melodie Yashar presents a compelling argument for the need to design and build sustainable habitats for

paper is a rhetorical analsis of the ted talk
paper is between 1-2 pages without work cited page
Content-All content should be supported by information in the sources used by incorporating summaries, paraphrases, and direct quotes; no “I/me/my” information should be included (exclude your own opinions/thoughts)
Content-Paragraph 1–Intro paragraph includes the SOAPSTone elements and thesis statement that outlines the information the body paragraphs will contain
Content-Paragraph 2–Body paragraph #1 (this can be more than one paragraph in length) includes the Toulmin Model of Argument elements of Claim and Grounds for the Claim and support from the source to show them; include at least one claim and one grounds from the source; more elements from the Toulmin Model may be included in this paragraph
Content-Paragraph 3 and 4–Body paragraph #2 and #3(this can be more than one paragraph in length) includes Rhetorical Appeals information (demonstrate how at least one Rhetorical Appeal is used in the Source)
Content-Paragraph 5–Concluding paragraph includes the thesis statement (reworded) and the main points covered in each of the paragraphs of this unit paper
In-Text Citations-Every body paragraph must include at least 2 in-text citations


“Astronomy Final Exam Review: Key Concepts and Learning Outcomes”

Please, look over the astronomy final exam review to find answers. 
Attached is the learning outcomes and topics, 
OR USE THIS LINK   ttps://*6zvhrf*_ga*MTI1NzUzNjUwNC4xNzEzNDg0OTk3*_ga_T746F8B0QC*MTcxMzQ4NDk5Ni4xLjEuMTcxMzQ4NTM5Ny4xMi4wLjA.
PLEASE LOOK AT CRITICAL PATH with the following WEEKS TO FOLLOW THE LEARNING OUTCOMES!! And topics. Please make it simple, a good but informative but short and easy enough to understand. PUT PAGE NUMBERS, SECTIONS beside when writing. 
Thank you!! 


“Investigating the Rotational Period of the Sun using Sunspot Observations” Introduction: The Sun is a massive, rotating star at the center of our solar system. Its rotation plays a crucial role in the formation and maintenance of its magnetic

I’ve attatched the lab report instructions below. I have to answer the following questions:
1. What is the synodic rotational period of the Sun at the latitude of your sunspots.
2. What is the sidereal rotational period of the Sun at the latitude of your sunspots.
***You may ignore section A and section D. There answer parts B and C
I went out and took in-person obervations of the sun for this lab-report so that should be taken into account when writing this assignment and making these calculations. I’m going to upload all of the information I collected although it is not much. 
This report needs to perform calculations, but also provide a formal write up that has each component that the peer review feedback form is looking for below as that can be used somewhat as a rough rubric. The two photos taken of the telescope lense where you cannot see any detail of the sun and it is slightly out of focus, is from the first day of observations where I was missing a piece of equipment and I’ll need to rely more on my sketch from that day. The photos where it is more in focus is from the second day of obsertvation.


Title: Expanding Options for Night Sky Observations

Students will be watching presentations, completing reading assignments, and joining in a discussion during the class.  In addition, students will be asked to provide written responses to four prompts directly related to the module materials.
There are four Short Response assignments for the course.  Each Short Response assignment has its own prompt and addresses a different topic related to the class.  For each of the four Short Response assignments:
• The student must follow the specific guidance of the prompt.
• The student’s response must be between 200 and 300 words in total length.
• The student must use proper grammar, spelling and syntax, but there is no specific “style” requirement (MLA, APA, etc.).
• The student is only allowed one attempt.  Edit and proof-read work carefully prior to submission.
• The student must submit the short response as a Word document.
Response Prompt
In the Discussion: Naked Eye Observations you were instructed to go outside with naked-eye resources to help you become more familiar with the night sky.  For this assignment, you will expand your options for making observations.  Please discuss other resources, methods or organizations that are available to you that you might be able to put into use now or in the coming weeks.  Do not use any of the resources or affiliated websites listed in the Discussion: Naked Eye Observations to write your response.
Here are your options:
• A local observatory—for example, if you live in the Lynchburg area you could discuss the campus observatory at the equestrian center.
• A nearby planetarium—perhaps you live close to a university, museum, etc. that has a planetarium and runs programs for the public.
• A local astronomy club—your town or county may have an “astronomical society” that invites the public to get involved at “star parties” or similar events.
• A phone app—download an astronomy app.  There are many to choose from, and some of them are free.  Even those with a cost tend to be very inexpensive.
• A “new” online astronomy resource—discuss a good online resource that was not one of the resources or affiliated websites listed in the Discussion: NakedEye Observations.
• A home telescope—if you own a telescope and you know how to use it, share your experiences.
Write your response as two paragraphs (200-300 words total).
In paragraph 1, discuss the new resource you have selected.  For example–What is it?  Where did you find it?  How does it “work?”  How will it help you with navigating the night sky?
In paragraph 2, discuss either (1) how you plan to make use of the new resource in the near future or (2) how you were actually able to use the new resource this week!


“Exploring the Importance of Diversity in the Workplace” Reply: I completely agree with your points on the importance of diversity in the workplace. As a society, we have come a long way in recognizing and valuing diversity, but there is still

The student must then post 1 reply of at 
least 150 words. I have attached my 
classmates post that I chose to reply to.


Title: “Proving the Rotation of the Earth: A Foucault Pendulum Experiment at Fayetteville State University” Introduction: The rotation of the Earth is a fundamental concept in physics and astronomy. It is the reason for the day and night

Describe an experiment to do at Fayetteville State University that proves the rotation of the Earth (15 points max) Write a one page paper that answers the following.
This already exists – where is it?
What of Newton’s laws apply, how?
Predict what is observed
How does this prove anything?
Does this work at North Pole? Equator?


“Exploring the Properties and Uses of the Paper Towel Tube: A Report”

I have uploaded the instructions, documents needed, and rubric. My assigned instrument to complete this report is a paper towel tube. I have to upload my report to Turnit in to check for plagiarism. Please let me know if you have any questions or need more information from me. 


Exploring the Depths: A Study of Oceanography Topics

Paper Guidelines
The Oceanography Research Paper Assignment is a choice topic paper. This means that you can pick any topic related to oceanography topics. Below, you will find a list of potential topics, but you are not limited to choosing one of them. As long as the topic is directly related to Oceanography and meets the standards of a college-level academic paper, you may choose what you are most interested in.
The paper should be written in APA format. An APA format guide is provided in a link on the outline document.
Your APA paper does NOT require an abstract page, which is typical of a longer document.
Your paper SHOULD include a title page and should be formatted with the correct headers and page numbers.
Your paper should be a minimum of five (5) pages in length, Times New Roman 10-12 font, double-spaced.
Your paper must include a minimum of three (3) academic resources, properly cited in APA format.
The paper must be submitted to the appropriate Dropbox in the assignments section of D2L. Please do not email me your paper. I will not grade it.
Possible Topic Ideas (You are NOT required to use these. Choose what you are interested in)
The Ice Age and Oceanic Development
Undersea Volcanic Activity
Deep Sea Sedimentation
Dissolved Organic Matter in the Ocean
Ocean Erosion
Water Circulation Patterns in Fjords
Salinity Processes in the Indian Ocean
Hydrothermal Vents
Colonization of the Ocean Floor
Ocean Reefs and Biodiversity
Changing Dynamics of the Ocean’s Food Web
Comparison of Atlantic and Pacific Oceans
The Origin of Ocean Water
Marine Chemistry (salt, oxygen, carbon dioxide, trace elements)
Icebergs and Sea Ice
Wave Transport of Sediment and Beach Formation
Coastal Erosion and Deposition
Geothermal Processes on the Ocean Floor (Mineral Formation)
Life in the Deep Sea
Upwelling of Deep Water
Sea Currents
The Tides
Use of Remote Sensing in Oceanography
Oxygen Isotopes in Deep Sea Cores
Ocean Impacts on the Atmosphere
Sea Level Rise
Past, Present and Future
Ocean Acidification
Ocean Mining
History of Ocean Exploration
IF someone can do this for me on time by today with all the instructions by 11:45 pm today i am willing to tip extra this since this is very last minute! THANK YOU!