
“Addressing Healthcare Inequalities in Audiology: The Role of Evidence-Based Practice and Healthcare Structures & Systems”

Provide a researched interpretation and describe the relationship between (1) Evidence-Based-Practice–EBP (as discussed in Chapter 1 of your textbook), (2) Healthcare Structures & Systems, and (3) Access to Health care & Barriers (within Audiology/Rehab services, etc.).  detailing the complex and entrenched social, racial, economic, and political problems that have persistently produced this country’s exorbitant, broken, and inequitable healthcare system.   Thus, ultimately providing an answer to this question:
How effectively can EBP  potentiallyreduce healthcare inequalities/healthcare disparities in the Audiology clinic?
Research papers should be at least 8-12 pages typed and double-spaced.  The paper must include a title page and a reference list.  The reference list/title page should not be counted towards the 8-12 pages required.  The paper must include a minimum of 5 references, from professional journals and books.  At least 2 of these references must be from professional peer-reviewed journals.  You can use your textbook if you wish as a reference, but you don’t have to.  DO NOT use Internet abstract-only references.  Internet references are ok to use if it is a journal article that is available online as full-text , or considered as a complete document available online.  You can also use HIH position statements, or other government documents.  References for the information you present must be clearly cited throughout your text, and must be included in the reference list at the end of the paper.  Use the American Psychological Association (APA) style when citing references.  Do not use larger than one-inch margins and size 12 font.  Late papers will be a whole grade reduction.  Please ask for permission for longer typed papers.
Providing context for your paper:
We have discussed in class the effects of higher-costs in healthcare and its impact, and the counteracting efforts with the recent attempts to obtain greater access to health care in Audiology & Aural Rehab, by the use ofFDA-approved hearing aids vs. over-the-counter (OTC) devices/ personal-sound-amplification-products (PSAPS), etc.
Healthcare inequalities can co-occur across multiple dimensions including socioeconomic, political, education, social/cultural, spatial, familial, poor access to transportation, income inequality, housing, living & working conditions, poverty, immigration policy & deportation, discrimination, racism, heavy-handed enforcement tactics, labor protections, ethnic hierarchies, gender-based tolerance, and amongst a plethora of other factors.  Thus, healthcare inequality can be both a consequence of social determinants and a social determinant in its own right. Notwithstanding, provide an introspective answer to the above research question beyond aperfunctory answer we are all used to hearing from social media:  things are just the way they are– pervasive and inescapable and we can’t change or do anything about it.
Despite your political point-of-view, and just as an academic exercise, please take the assumption and philosophical concept that healthcare is a universal human right, and health equity means lifting the lives of everyone.