
“Crossing Borders: My Journey of Self-Discovery and Adaptation” “Overcoming Adversity: My Journey of Personal Growth and Professional Success”

I will give you an auto historia, so you can expand on it:
Autohistoria Draft- 
This is how my journey starts in the city of Tijuana, Baja California, this journey has many fallings and changes that have formed the person I am today. In this Autohistoria I went through cross-cultural events throughout my childhood and adulthood, which made me reflect on many shifts throughout my life that define where I’m heading. These stages of my life have made me discover myself more than I thought. Moving from Mexico to the United States was a new step in my life I had to face, it tested my way of thinking and this new step helped me adapt to many other challenges, including personal and educational issues making me embrace technology as the main element in my career.
My early years (years 1 to 5)
The day I was born in the hospital at Playas de Tijuana my mom told me that I had a lot of hair on my head and my biological dad knew exactly at that moment I was his son. From there my mom used to tell me that my grandma used to take me all around “Mercado Hidalgo” to see all my surroundings, She told me I liked watching objects with bright colors in the market while cruising around in the carriola. When I entered kindergarten at the age of three, I got to meet my first new friends to play and laugh along with them for the first time. By the age of four, I was already looking for a community in the everyday activities of the school and I started socializing. I remember during this stage I formed the discipline to participate in the theatre to dance in front of an audience. Playing with other children in the playground was fun and a small step to a social life and teamwork. While I tried to express myself with my nature and behavior many teachers pointed out to my parents that I had some troublemaker attitudes, and some of these attitudes would come up later in life.
When I entered elementary school at six, my learning activities became more structured, I started to develop skills in logical thinking. I was one of like 4 students who were trouble in the classroom, I had so much energy that it became a bad thing and it started to affect my classmates as well. During this period I had many reports from my teachers to advise my parents of my bad behavior in the classroom, this led to having many talks with my mom about discipline and doing the right thing. Eventually, I started to control myself from being a troublemaker and started doing the right thing when I entered the third grade in elementary school, from that moment forward things changed for good and I was headed to a better path.
Transition and transformation (Year 6 to Year 11)
After some time I managed to change from being a troublemaker to a straight-A student which, to be honest, made me feel proud of myself, I decided to change my life and study habits by improving my grades and being a good kid. A crucial event that helped me was taking classes in TaeKwonDo which showed me discipline and social development during these years. My life and my grades were so well I enrolled in the “Olimpiada del Conocimiento”. This Olympiad allowed me to represent my school showing my learned knowledge through tough tests that challenged me. 
Early Teenage years (Year 12 to 14)
My Early teenage years consisted of middle school where I met new people and learned to get along with them, one of my biggest achievements here is that I became the group leader in the first grade, I remember having good times here with friends like going to their houses and playing videogames. I also amplified my skills and knowledge which made me grow as a person. 
Cross-cultural shift and a new beginning (Year 15 to Year 18)
These years were the years that marked me the most because these were the years when I moved from Tijuana to Chula Vista. this process required me to move from my current high school to the new one. At first, I didn’t want to accept the change but it was something inevitable so I just accepted it and started a new life. When I was about to graduate I remember I faced many challenges because of COVID, the graduation party was canceled due to this pandemic so I decided to look for another way to do a graduation party with my friends to compensate for what we didn’t get from school and to be honest this was the best decision I could have ever done, it was all worth the effort.
Personal Growth and Career
The last years of High School were a struggle but we managed to go forward, in my first year of college I decided to change my study field and it led me to study Web Design and Development which I saw as an opportunity thanks to the evolving field of technology. Due to the pandemic, I wrestled a lot with mental issues including ADHD, depression, and anxiety. But thank god I found the courage to get over these problems. Since the pandemic, I found time to start exercising and have a daily routine. These last years I learned many new lessons including getting my first job which gave me a lot of experience in the workforce. Even though many of the steps I have taken don’t fit too much into the traditional way of college I have learned and have managed to pull myself together and keep going to pursue my personal and professional success.
Looking back at my autohistoria I can see that I have been through many changes. I have been able to stay strong and still have a passion for discovery under any circumstance. I have been through many bright moments that motivate me to persevere and keep going. The process of my life hasn’t been easy, but here I am still standing. My story can maybe inspire people who have faced similar problems and trials for them to know they are not alone and that they can keep going with effort, there will be always a solution for the situation you are going through. To conclude I will say that I will always do what’s possible to keep improving and be a better person than I was yesterday because this is only the beginning and there is more to come.
From this autohistoria I just want you to add another page to it so it sounds more complete
-Expand on key events
-Show emotional depth
-Include specific examples (make them up if you want)
-Highlight lessons learned
-Connect themes
Notes: don’t use ai, and don’t make it sound too complicated.