Biostatistics and Epidemiology

“Exploring the Use of Statistics in Research: A Comparative Analysis of Health Problems and Epidemiological Investigations”

Group Presentations : Option A or B
Presentation direction (group presentation): Students must post a narrative PowerPoint presentation (a video presentation: up to 10 slides) created by the use of Panopto or Zoom and 1-2 page summary paper to the D2L the discussion board by the designated deadline. When creating the voice over narration for the PowerPoint presentation, you can use and read the PPT presentation materials. After submission of this assignment, students will be assigned to a peer to review the presentation submitted and to leave constructive feedback on the D2L discussion board by the designated deadline. Late submissions will not be accepted, and will result in a grade of zero.
Option A. Statistics Used in a Research Report (complete the following listed items for this assignment). The group must select a research article using a quantitative research design that applies any statistical tests.
Full Citation of the Selected Article: (Author(s), Year, Title, Journal, Volume Number/Issue Number, and Pages. The article must use a quantitative research design.
Describe the major health problem and the target population addressed in the introduction of the selected article.
Report research questions and/or hypotheses addressed in the selected article. It indicates the specific focus and aim of research.
Identify the major study variables (independent and dependent variables) and then explain the instruments used to measure those variables.
List statistical tests used to answer the research questions/hypotheses.
Explain whether it is appropriate to answer the research questions/hypotheses.
Suggest other statistics that might have been used; give your rationale.
Option B. Epidemiologic Investigation (complete the following listed items for this assignment).
Briefly identify the public health problem (background), the population affected, including demographic and statistical data, the scope of the problem based on epidemiological data, identify collaborators, and create a plan for intervention at primary, secondary, and tertiary levels.
Using the Internet and websites such as those for the CDC, NIH, HHS or ILDPH, create an action plan for a public health problem of your choosing.
Write in narrative form using APA format and using section headings listed in the previous sentence.
Cite all websites and articles using APA format (7th Ed.). Include at least 5 sources from the Nursing Literature > 2005 to support your narrative and analysis.