
“Developing an Audit Plan to Prevent Wrongdoing: A Case Study of Crossfire Hurricane and the OIG Report” Developing an Audit Plan to Prevent Wrongdoing: A Case Study of Crossfire Hurricane and the OIG Report Introduction The

Assignment No. 8 Due May 12 )
Final exam – maximum of 16 points: after examining the crossfire hurricane or removal of USAs             investigative report (student’s choice) in the course materials, how would you develop an audit plan that would provide reasonable assurance that the wrongdoing alleged in the report does not              happen again? What would this audit plan look like? What potential remedies are missing from the    OIGs’ report? Use approximately 700  words, excluding word count for independently discovered resources.
Ensure all materials attached are read and used to fulfill the final assignment criteria in answering the question rather concluding your research.. Note it not only about answering the questions posed    but ensure that you explain,  give  examples and use one other resource that ties in with this                assignment which must be cited  in MLA format.