Business and Entrepreneurship

“Building Effective Feedback Loops: Strategies for Internal and External Sources”

Feedback loops are an important tool in making sure your product or service meets or exceeds the business and customer expectations. Your business model should include strategies explaining how you will seek and implement feedback from different sources, with a focus on establishing constructive feedback loops that will help improve your product or service and enhance customer retention.
In your initial post, address the following:
Who will you ask for feedback from within the company?
How do you plan to seek and address feedback and concerns from these sources within the company?
Describe strategies you plan to use for seeking and addressing feedback from customers.
Outline the internal communication channels you will use to address feedback from internal and external customers.
In your response to two peers, address the following:
What are some similarities and differences between your strategies both internally and externally?
Do you have any suggestions or recommendations for improving their feedback loops?
To complete this assignment, review the Discussion Rubric

Business and Entrepreneurship

“Transportation Cost Analysis and Demand Forecasting for a Tire Manufacturing Plant”

need to find accurate locations using google maps and find and do a transportation cost analysis and demand
The plant managers generally acquire one month′s inventory at a given time and carry roughly 25% excess inventory. During the high-demand phase in winter, managers acquire up to three months of inventory
2.8$ per km transportation cost per truck loadShipments to a store include both retreaded and new tires together. Typically, a truck will arrive at the retreading plant with the new tires loaded from the distribution center. The truck will then pickup the retreaded tires from the plant before the onward travel (the final leg) to the transport-requisitioning store. A truckload is around 150 tires. The truck picks up the tires for retreading to drop at a plant on return.

Business and Entrepreneurship

“Clarifying Order Details: Ensuring a Successful Paper”

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The order was placed through a short procedure (customer skipped some order details).
Please clarify some paper details before starting to work on the order.

Type of paper and subject
Number of sources and formatting style
Type of service (writing, rewriting, etc)

Business and Entrepreneurship

Title: “Creating a Successful Business Plan: A Guide for Entrepreneurs”

Business plan
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Please clarify some paper details before starting to work on the order.
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Type of service (writing, rewriting, etc)

Business and Entrepreneurship

“Exploring the Impact of Social Media on Society: An In-Depth Analysis”

5 page paper along with 10 powerpoint slides (I need to create a video/audio presentation) This is part 2 of assessment 1 that you completed for me. For reference I included the feedback from the professor in regards to assessment 1 for your review and help with this assignment

Business and Entrepreneurship

“Executive Summary of Audit Report: Compliance with Medicare Coverage Criteria at Encompass Health Hospitals”

Writing Assessment – Sample Audit Report Executive Summary
You have completed a medical record review that consisted of a judgmental sample of 50 medical records from multiple Encompass Health hospitals in various regions. Using the information provided below, you are now tasked with drafting an Executive Summary for the final audit report. The Executive Summary should include relevant background information along with the audit’s scope, objective(s), conclusion, and recommendation(s). The summary should be factually accurate (i.e., include only the facts provided below and free of speculation), concise, and grammatically correct. Your final submission will be assessed only on: a) task achievement, b) coherence, and c) grammar, without regard for the accuracy of the substantive content of your response.
Key points:
• Encompass Health has over 150 hospitals located within eight geographic regions (West, Southeast, Northeast, Mid-Atlantic, Southwest, South Central, South Atlantic, and Central).
• The review consisted of Medicare patients admitted on/after October 1, 2022 and discharged
on/before December 31, 2022.
• The purpose off the audit was to assess Encompass Health’s compliance with the Centers for
Medicare and Medicaid Services’ (CMS) Medicare coverage criteria that became effective on January 1, 2010 (Reference: Medicare Benefit Policy Manual, Chapter 1, Section 110, Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility (IRF) Services).
• Issues were noted during the review, to include:
o failure to conduct a physician visit three times per week per patient for five of the
patients’ medical records;
o failure of the physician to sign the preadmission screening within 48-hours of the patients’ admission for six of the patients’ medical records; and
o failure of the physician to sign admission orders for 10 of the patients’ medical record.
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Type of service (writing, rewriting, etc)

Business and Entrepreneurship

“Project Canvas for the Falcon 9 Rocket Launch Project” Project Canvas for the Falcon 9 Rocket Launch Project Project Overview: The Falcon 9 Rocket Launch Project aims to successfully launch the Falcon 9 rocket into orbit, carrying a payload of satellites

i need a project canvas created for a ″Falcon 9″ project management essay created by one of your tutors.

Business and Entrepreneurship

Title: The Effects of Skipping Order Details on Customer Satisfaction and Business Success

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The order was placed through a short procedure (customer skipped some order details).
Please clarify some paper details before starting to work on the order.
Type of paper and subject
Number of sources and formatting style
Type of service (writing, rewriting, etc)

Business and Entrepreneurship

Review of PCAOB Inspection Reports: Identifying Violations and Recommendations for Auditors Case 1: PwC LLP (2019 Inspection Report) Summary: The PCAOB conducted an inspection of PwC LLP’s audits of

Review PCAOB Inspection Reports: to an external site. Select 2 cases from the past 2 years and summarize:
– Which PCAOB auditing standards were violated?
– What should the auditors have done differently?
– Provide a link to the inspection reports you are referring to.
Auditors of publicly traded companies have to register with the PCAOB and the more public clients they have, the more often they get inspections. The results of PCAOB inspections are one important input factor that informs the standard setting agenda you reviewed in your first research assignment. PCAOB inspections keep auditors on their toes to perform a quality audit rather than to pursue additional income by potentially cutting corners in regard to performing appropriate work (e.g. collecting sufficient appropriate audit evidence). I recommend that you browse through a couple of inspection reports and find one that has plenty of violations or one that is of interest to you. You should start with a brief summary of the case and violations and then embark on answering additional questions. A good approach is to select a large audit firm and a smaller audit firm or to select audit firms from different countries.
Please list any additional resources you use and make sure to provide your original work. Copying text from websites etc. without clearly referencing that you do so may result in zero points for the assignment.

Business and Entrepreneurship

Memo Report: Strategies for Effective Business Communication

Activity 12.14 on page 447 in the textbook. The student will write an informational memo report only (not an analytical report too as mentioned in the text). There is a sample format on page 385. Be sure to properly cite your sources. Use correct memo formatting (Memo Formatting guide). Download Memo Formatting guide). If the memo extends to two pages, remember to use a header for page 2. Proofread (Proofreading Worksheet guide) Download Proofreading Worksheet guide) and then save as StudentLastName StudentFirstName Mod9 WA