Business & Finance homework help

Title: “A Comparison of Academic Medical Centers and Acute Care Community Hospitals: Mission, Staffing, and Reimbursement Models”

Healing Hands Hospital is an acute care community hospital that serves a suburban community outside of a large city with two competing large academic medical centers. Both Healing Hands Hospital and the academic medical centers have a long history of service to the region, but their business and fundamental practices are different. Your manager, Ms. Woods, Healing Hands’ Chief Operating Officer (COO), is part of the task force working on the strategic plan for the hospital and needs to understand the fundamental practices of these academic medical centers.
You have been tasked with providing this information for Ms. Woods in a 1-2-page paper that discusses the similarities and differences between academic medical centers and acute care community hospitals. Your paper should address each of the following prompts below:
Explain the similarities and differences between the mission of an academic medical center versus the mission of an acute community hospital.  
Discuss the similarities and differences in the staffing and management structure of an academic medical center versus an acute community hospital.  Note: You will want to consider what type of staff an academic medical center would have that a community hospital may not have.
Explain the similarities and differences in the Reimbursement model(s) that are used in academic medical centers versus an acute community hospital.

Business & Finance homework help

“Navigating a Public Relations Crisis: A Case Study Analysis” Introduction Public relations is a critical aspect of any organization’s communication strategy. It involves building and maintaining a positive image and reputation for the organization, managing relationships with stakeholders, and handling any

 In this assignment, the student applies the principles of public relations to an actual case study involving the practice of public relations.(see suggested links below) or you can pick a comprehensive story from the news that involves a public relations problem.  
PR Council:
PR Week:
PR News:
Institute for Public Relations:
Public Relations Today: 

Business & Finance homework help

Title: Analyzing the Financial Impact of Nursing Shortages on the Health Care Industry and Proposed Solutions for Improvement

As a health care manager, you must be able to analyze financial and economic issues in the health care industry. In this summative assessment, you will demonstrate problem-solving skills.
Imagine you are a health care manager at a hospital and you are preparing a report for your CFO in which you analyze current issues in health care (e.g., nursing shortages, supply-chain disruption, and telehealth use) and address the financial impact of these issues on your hospital.
Select 1 of the following current financial issues that the health care industry faces today to use for this summative assessment: nursing shortages, supply-chain disruption, or telehealth use.
Access the Week 2 University Library and read 1 of the following articles from the Summative Assessment: Problem-Solving Analysis Report section that corresponds to the current financial issue you selected:
Nursing shortage: “As COVID-19 Worsens Nursing Shortage, Madison Hospitals, Schools Step Up” 
Supply-chain disruption: “Inflation Rattles Hospital Supply Chain and Labor Pool with no End in Sight”
Telehealth use: “Telehealth Grows, but Medicare Has Woes”
Assessment Deliverable
Write a 700- to 1,050-word report about the financial issue you selected in which you:
Analyze the financial impact of your selected financial issue on the health care industry.
Explain what the supply and demand challenges are for health care services in terms of personnel, supplies, or technology.
Describe how regulatory issues are affecting, or will affect, the health care industry in the areas of personnel, supplies, and technology.
Describe at least 1 strategy to improve the selected financial issue.
Discuss what you believe would be the outcome of these recommendations, if implemented.
Cite sources to support your report. 
Format your report according to APA guidelines. 

Business & Finance homework help

Title: The Integration of Financial Planning and Strategic Planning in Healthcare Organizations

Imagine you are the CFO of a hospital. You have been asked by the board of directors to present at the next board meeting the alignment of the financial plan to the strategic plan of the hospital. Respond to these questions as you prepare for your presentation.
What is the role of financial planning in the overall organizational strategic plan?
How do financial planning and strategic planning influence health care organizations? Provide an example.

Business & Finance homework help

“Financial Calculations for Capital Projects in Healthcare Management”

The essence of management is to make decisions, and to that extent, a health care manager must have a working knowledge on how to calculate time value money (TVM) financial problems.
As a health care manager at a hospital, your supervisor has asked you to submit a set of financial calculations needed for the new capital projects of purchasing an MRI and deciding whether to expand the emergency room or to renovate the hospital lobby.
Access Excel for Corporate Finance Professionals located in the Week 3 Learning Activities folder and watch it. Specifically, “NPV Tests in Excel” and “NPV and Scenario Analysis” in Lesson 2, “Project Selection in Excel,” may be helpful for understanding this assignment
Assignment Deliverable 
Complete all sets and parts of the Financial Exercises worksheet. The file contains the following 5 worksheet tabs:
Wk 3: Set 1, Part 1
Wk 3: Set 1, Part 2
Wk 3: Set 2, Part 1
Wk 3: Set 2, Part 2
Wk 3: Set 2, Part 3
Assignment Support
Access and watch the following videos in the Week 3 section on the HCS/385 Video Lectures Home Page for examples of different formulas used to calculate in Microsoft Excel:
“Present Value Problems #1–3”
“Future Value Problems #1–2”
“Net Present Value Problems #1–3”
“Internal Rate of Return Problems #1–3”
 “Break-Even Point Problems #1–3”  

Business & Finance homework help

Title: Evaluating Financial Performance of Hillside, Inc. through Ratio Analysis

Financial ratios help identify strengths and weaknesses of a company through the analysis of financial statements and financial calculations. For this discussion, imagine you are a financial analyst for a company and your company is evaluating the purchase of another company, Hillside, Inc. This week, you’ll review a balance sheet and income statement for Hillside, Inc. and then calculate common financial ratios to evaluate the company’s financial performance.
Watch the following 2 videos as you prepare to respond to the discussion prompts:
“Financial Statements”
“Financial Ratios”
Access Financial Ratio Calculations, which is part of the Wk 4 Summative Assessment: Financial Analysis Calculations. Use this balance sheet information in it to choose 1 financial ratio that you will need to calculate for Hillside, Inc. and answer the following:
Which ratio did you choose? Explain what this ratio means.
What were the results of your calculation? Show your work to the class, including the formula you used and the data you input for your calculation

Business & Finance homework help

“Connecting Theory to Practice: Creating a Conflict Map and Examining Perceptions of Conflict”

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It is time to begin connecting theory to practice. This week, you will take everything you’ve learned in the course to this point, and then create a way to identify (or map) the nature of a conflict. You will refer to this document for later assignments, so be sure to craft it carefully.
In your map, be sure to include items such as:
Parties to the conflict (primary, secondary, interested others, including groups)
Context (issues – needs, interests, positions based; conflict dynamics – antecedents, stereotyping) 
Resolution potential (alternative routes to a solution, limiting factors, techniques of management)
The finished product should be a one-page form you can complete any time you are confronted with a conflict. If you fall short of ideas, refer to your Week 1 assignment for help.
Once you’ve crafted your conflict map, take a few minutes to think about the term conflict and what it means to you. As an intervener, it is important to know your own biases coming into the process. For the first part of this assignment, determine 10-20 different words or phrases that help you define conflict. Then, draft analysis of your definition and words/phrases based on the ‘types’ of conflict listed in the first bulleted item below.
Identify which word you focused on from the list you created to define conflict: relationship, data, interest, structural, value, and/or pseudo. Be specific and detailed in your response.
Determine if your words tend to be directly related to only one or two types of conflict, and then explain why you think this occurred. Be sure to use specific examples and concepts from the readings and research as well.
Indicate your thoughts when you think of conflict. Do you tend to view it as a negative interaction, or do you view conflict as more of an opportunity to solve problems? Analyze how you believe you gained this viewpoint regarding conflict.
Analyze whether your perception of conflict, based on what you have listed and what you have read, is an accurate perception and whether it can positively contribute to your success in conflict resolution.
Length: 5-7 pages, including your conflict map, but not including title or reference pages
References: Support your analysis with at least five scholarly resources. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources, including older articles, may be included.

Business & Finance homework help

Master Budget Case Title: Master Budget Case Analysis and Explanation Introduction: A master budget is a comprehensive financial plan that outlines the expected revenues, costs, and expenses for a specific period. It serves as a roadmap for a company’s financial activities and

This is Master Budget Case: 
· You must answer all the questions.
· When solving problems, you must clearly explain all the steps you are doing, and why are you making those steps.
· Show all your workings, a numeric answer is not enough.
You should provide a document in Excel format showing all calculations. 

Business & Finance homework help

Title: Impact of Different Topics on Financial Performance and Strategic Planning in Healthcare Organizations Response to Peer 1: Hi Peer 1, I found your topic on the impact of technology on healthcare organizations very interesting. One possible way that this topic might

Then, respond to at least two other peers who have chosen topics different from yours. Include the following in your response:
Discuss at least two possible ways that your peers’ chosen topic might impact the financial performance of a healthcare organization.
Discuss how the topic can also impact strategic planning in a healthcare organization.
*speak first person

Business & Finance homework help

Decision Tree Analysis for Business Decisions “Assessing the Probability of a Successful Bid”

For decision trees, you may choose to solve the problems using the PrecisionTree add-in in Excel.
Problem 1
A Tech has developed a new AI-based robot and is in the process of deciding how to monetize it. The market leader ClosedAI has offered to acquire the technology for $100,000 in cash, plus an additional bonus of $100,000 if the product is a hit. If A Tech decides not to sell the tech and manufacture the product itself, it could potentially make a profit of $500,000 if it becomes a hit, but also an estimated loss of $300,000 if it proves unpopular. To simplify the problem, A Tech’s executives are assuming that the product is either a hit, i.e., it captures a certain critical number of customers, or not a hit.
(a) Using decision tree analysis, evaluate what the company should do if:
Executives estimate the chance that the product will be a hit as 0.7?
Executives are uncertain about the product’s prospects and says the chances are “evens” (i.e.    the probability of the toy being a hit equals 0.5)?
(b) What is the ‘critical’ value for the probability of the product being a hit: that is, the probability value which makes A Tech indifferent between (i) selling the rights and (ii) making the product itself?
Problem 2
A Inc. is a manufacturer of computer servers and runs its production at its factory in North Carolina. The plant has the capacity to produce 10,000 servers per year. To produce a server, the raw materials cost $6000 and the manufacturing processes (including capital and labor) cost an additional $400. A Inc. sells the servers for $12,000 each.
Because of the rapid development of the data center sector in Northern Virginia, A Inc anticipates a growth of demand in its servers, and is considering how to acquire additional production capacity. There are two possible options for capacity acquisition. The first option is to invest in state-of-the-art manufacturing machinery at the existing plant, which costs $5 million. This would double the production capacity, and also decrease the production cost per server from $400 to $350. The second option is not to increase in-house production capacity (i.e., capacity remains at 10,000 units), but if demand exceeds in-house capacity, any shortfall will be outsourced to an alternative supplier. This alternative supplier charges $8000 per server (materials already included).
In the past year, demand for A Inc servers exactly met the production capacity of 10,000 units. For the coming year, demand is expected to either increase by 50% with 80% probability, or stay the same with 20% chance.
Develop a decision tree for this problem. Using an expected value criterion, identify the best decision for the plant.
Problem 3
G Development Corp. (GDC) is considering bidding on a contract for a new commercial building complex. If GDC chooses to bid on the contract, the pre-bidding legal preparation would cost $200,000. There is a 80% chance that the bid is successful. In that case, GDC has to pay a contribution of $2 million to become a partner in the project.
After becoming a partner, GDC would have two options. In the first option, it could build the complex on its own. In this case, GDC’s income from the project would depend on the level of demand for office space by the time the project is completed. It is estimated that the income (revenue minus construction costs) will be $6 million if the demand is high, $4 million if demand is medium, and $1 million if demand is low. In the second option, GDC may sell the rights in the contract to another developer, who offers $3.5 million in cash.
GDC has gathered the following probability estimates for the level of demand for office space: the probability of low demand is 0.3; the probability of medium demand is 0.4; and the probability of high demand is 0.3.
(a) Draw a decision tree for this problem. Using an expected value criterion, identify the best decision for GDC.
(b) Discuss how the decision taken in part (a) would change with respect to the chance of the bid becoming successful.