California history

“Exploring the Impact of Social Media on Society: An Analysis of Its Effects on Communication, Relationships, and Mental Health”

Your essay must be at least 5 FULL pages of written text (your work cited page does not count as one of these pages). 
•    Each essay must be either 1.5-spaced or double-spaced (any spacing larger than that will not be accepted). 
•    The margins for each essay can be no larger than 1 inch. 
•    Each essay must be in 12-point font in either Times New Roman or Arial. 
•    Each essay can only use the sources that have been provided in the class (which includes any Canvas material, textbook readings, and lecture notes). No other outside research is permitted. 
•    Your midterm and final exam essays must be turned in to Canvas and (essays that are not turned in to BOTH virtual spaces will not be graded). •    These writing assignments must be in a standard essay format with an introduction, a clear thesis, supporting evidence, and a clear conclusion. 
•    Each citation must be clearly indicated using footnotes. Paraphrasing entire paragraphs without clearly indicating which work is your own and which is someone else’s ideas will not be permitted. 
•    Please indicate which essay topic you have chosen to answer on the first page of your midterm and final.