Case Studies

Title: “Maximizing the Commercial Potential of Emerging Technology: A Case Study on the Implementation of Virtual Reality in the Healthcare Industry”

written project report is limited to fifteen, double-spaced pages using standard 12-point font and standard margins plus an Begin with a 2-page Executive Summary, followed by a 15-page report that includes an overview of the technology, your assessment of its impact, barriers to successful commercialization/ adaptation, and an implementation action plan.. You may include any analysis and supporting documentation in an appendix. Your appendix does not have a page limitation.
case report inludes: 1- Executive Summary, 2- overview of the technology
3- assessment of its impact,
4- barriers to successful commercialization/ adaptation
5- implementation action plan
(A 3-page project proposal is attached to understand the case report )

Case Studies

The Impact of the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield Agreement: A Review of Recent Developments and Implications for Electronic Commerce Summary: The article EU-U.S. Privacy Shield Agreement: Recent Developments and Implications published

Find an article pertaining to the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield agreement published after January 1st 2020.
Paper 2 pages double-spaced
Include a small section containing a summary of the article
Provide a link to the article
Answer the following questions individually, numbered.
Who is Max Schrems?
What was Safe Harbor?
What is EU-U.S. Privacy Shield?
What happened to Privacy Shield in October 2017?
What was the European Court of Justice’s (ECJ) decision on Safe Harbor?
Who in the EU is impacted by this decision?
Who in the US is impacted by this decision?
What caused this ruling?
What will be the long-term impact on electronic commerce?
Provide an example of a company who may be impacted by this ruling and why they are impacted