chicano studies

Title: The Inspiring Stories of Latina Activists in “Made in L.A” In the documentary “Made in L.A,” two Latina activists, Maria and Maura, stood out to me with their powerful and inspiring stories. Maria, a

Task: Select two Latina activist from the film Made in L.A: Maria, Lupe, or Maura.
In a post discussion, what was interesting about their stories and why?
Each response must be minimum 4-5 sentences.
Organize your responses in two paragraphs.

chicano studies

“Exploring Culture: A Visit to Chicano Park Museum and Cultural Center” Exploring Culture: A Visit to Chicano Park Museum and Cultural Center As part of my cultural studies course, I was assigned to attend a cultural event and write about

On this page you will find:
Prompt – Attend a Cultural Event
List of cultural centers and/or museums
List of current events will be given in the Announcements on a weekly basis.
Cultural Centers and/or Museums:
Chicano Park (San Diego)
Chicano Park Museum and Cultural Center (San Diego)
Mingei Museum (San Diego)
It’s Jose here. Just find information on any websites on the museums listed above. All the rest formation is listed in the file below. Make the paper as you went to one of them in person thanks. Let me know if you have any questions.

chicano studies

“Contemporary Issues Impacting the Chicano/a Community: A Critical Analysis”

Identify the topic/issue of your term paper and explain why its is important to the Chicano/a community today. 2 paragraphs for this assignment Term paper guidelines Purpose of this term paper is to research a particular contemporary issue and critically analyze how it affects the Chicana/o community. Students will write a 5-7-page term paper double spaced, typed, and size 12 font. It is important to include 2-3 outside sources that support your paper. The term paper can earn you up to 50 points and is due on week 16.
Issue/topic for term paper: The topic of the term paper will be an issue of your choice. In the past, students have researched issues/topics such as immigration, education, labor, health and politics to name a few. The key to a successful topic/issue is one that you find most interesting and relevant . For example, if your family suffers from diabetes then your topic could be on how diabetes affects the Chicana/o Community.
Also, make sure your issue/topic is not too general for example a topic like “Chicanos in education” is too general and difficult to write. However, a topic like “ What makes Chicanos students successful at the community college is much more specific and easier to write.
In addition, it is important to find 2-3 sources that can be referenced and cited on your issue/topic. Do not use course sources for this assignment. The online or in person librarian could be a valuable resource when looking for this material. In the event you cannot find any material/sources on the issue/topic, do not panic it just means you need to find another issue or topic .
Make sure that the issue you have chosen is contemporary/current and relevant to the Chicano/a experience. Finding a topic is the most important first step. So, spend a few hours coming up with several topics so we can discuss them during class/zoom meeting TBA.
Developing an outline is key when writing your term paper because it organizes your ideas and keeps you focus on your topic.
The following is a basic outline for your paper and consist of an introduction, body and conclusion.
I)Introduction: State why your issue/topic is important to the Chicana/o community and identify main points you will be covering in your paper
II) Body: Explain your main points and support using outside sources
A) Main point 1: Explain and support using outside sources
B) Main point 2: Explain and support using outside sources
C) Main point 3: Explain and support using outside sources
*You can have as many main points as you need
lll) Conclusion: Summarize and/or Analyze. Make sure to include solutions in your conclusion

chicano studies

Title: A Reflection on Two Cultural Events: Celebrating Chicanx/Latinx Heritage

In your paper, you will first describe both events.  For example:
When and where did it take place? 
Who was the intended audience? 
How did they respond? 
What were they doing to participate? 
Who was putting on the event? 
How could you tell? 
Where there any staff or volunteers responsible for the event? 
What were they doing? 
What was the intended outcome of the event? 
Were the cultural producers successful? 
Why or why not? 
What were you doing during the event? 
Did you participate? 
After describing the event, use your tools of critical analysis to contextualize the cultural event.  These questions may help you in this section:
Do you feel the cultural event was/is significant to the Chicanx/Latinx community? 
Why or why not? 
How do you know? 
What are some concepts from class that might help us better understand the significance of both cultural events that you attended?

chicano studies

Research Notes on the Xican@ Indigenous Movement Source 1: “Declaration of Quito.” Encyclopaedia Britannica, Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc., 21 Aug. 2019, www.brit

RESEARCH NOTES 4 @ 5 pts = 20%
There will be four of these exercises for 5 points each.  Find 2 sources on 4 of the topics below. One can be from the ones I provide, then one you research another on your own.   Using MLA format, cite the source at the top in proper bibliographic or works cited format. Go to the LIBRARY link at for guides on how to cite your sources.  Write down notes taken from these sources as if you were doing a paper on them. Put direct quotes in quotation marks or italics, and cite the appropriate source, who said it, when and where. Include page numbers where appropriate. At least one paragraph of notes per source.  FOLLOW THE EXAMPLES UNDER MODULES. 
USE CREDIBLE SOURCES. If you are unsure, verify the information through at least one other (separate) source. There is plenty of information on each of these on the internet.
I have provided at least one link to information on each topic under MODULES.  You must find at least two (2) sources. Look for additional resources available through our library, i.e. EBSCOHost, CQ Researcher, Opposing Viewpoints, National Newspapers, etc.
I provided an example of how the assignment should be completed 

chicano studies

Title: Shaping the Lives of Chicana/o People in Late Twentieth Century America Introduction: The late twentieth century was a pivotal time for the Chicana/o community in America. As the country experienced significant social, political, and economic changes

Prompt: Summarize in writing the following major historical events that shaped the lives of Chicana/o people in the late twentieth century.
Note: All historical events listed below must be summarized in your paper to receive full credit.
-U.S citizens complaining that immigrants take away jobs.
-The disadvantages of Chicanas (Mexican American women).
-Proposition 187
-Democrats and Republicans on Mexican (and Latinos) voters.
-The 1.5 generation and UCLA students.
-The minority-majority state.
-The difference between Chicano and Hispanic labels.
-the colonial mentality today
Essay must be a minimum of 2-3 pages
Essay must be double space with 12 font letters
Organize your paper in an introduction-body-conclusion format as required in an MLA paper.
All historical events listed must be summarized in the body paragraphs.
All paragraphs limited to 5-7 sentences each

chicano studies

“Empowering Our Community: Exploring the History of Latinx Graduation Rates Through Art”

What to Turn In
Artwork – Create the artwork, then take a photo of it to submit!
Artist Statement – 2 paragraphs
Project Prompt
🎨 The assignment is to create an art project inspired by a political, social, and/or economic factor that shapes the Chicane or Latine community, as learned through the different historical frameworks and ideologies that we learned last week.  
✊🏻✊🏼✊🏽✊🏾✊🏿 Using art to express a struggle, or demand change, on an issue has been an important tradition throughout Chicanx history, as you learned this week! The art project is intended to carry a message that can be understood by those looking at it for the first time (Examples of political posters are given below).
🙇‍♀️ You will conduct research about a current social issue, whether it be related to civil rights, women’s rights, the environment, immigrant rights, globalization, education, or local issues. *You can use your research from last week and expand on it if you like* Another thing I recommend is, picking a topic you would want to know more about or want to form an opinion on.
❗️When you are conducting your research, you will pick 1 historical framework or ideology as a lens with which to analyze the issue. You will be required to write about this in your Artist Statement. So far we have learned about:
Critical Race Theory
Borderlands Theory
Indigenous Studies
But, you could also analyze your topic using: Marxist Thought, Queer Theory, Black Feminist Thought, Colonial Theory, etc. (I’m happy to give you some sources for these- just send me a message!)
➡️ Go back and review what you’ve learned about these frameworks. How can you use them to understand your issue further? For example, if you want to use Critical Race Theory, you would think about the intersection of race and the law. You would ask: Does the law apply equally to all people? How are people of different ethnicities and races represented in the law? How does race play a part in the issue at hand, systematically? You would then present your findings with research!
Indigenous Studies would focus on the Indigenous perspective, Intersectionality on intersecting identities, and so on and so forth!
Artist Statement
Your artwork must have a thesis, or a main idea, behind the artwork that you are communicating to your audience. This thesis will come from your research and analysis using your framework.
✍🏼 You’ll write a 2-paragraph artist statement to submit with your art project. Please include 2 works cited on your artist statement page.
Grading Rubric
You will be graded on:
Effort and thoughtfulness
Research accuracy and Framework analysis
Creative Interpretation
Thesis (main idea behind the artwork)
Works Cited Page (2 resources required)
This is Jose. I already made an art piece you just have to look at it and talk about one of the topics above and include the history of Latinos and Latina’s graduation rates thanks. Let me know if you have any questions.

chicano studies

“Exploring the Library: Uncovering Primary and Secondary Sources on Contemporary Issues in the Chicano and Latino Communities”

Practice finding relevant primary and seconary library sources. Deepen the context and understanding of contempary issues affecting the Chicano and Latino communites

chicano studies

“Exploring Chapter 4: Key Concepts, Reflections, and Questions”

These are the instructions: (I will attach the image of how the book looks)
Hi Folks, please use this as a platform to upload your notes on Chapter 4. As a reminder  your notes should highlight chapter 4 along with your thoughts and opinion. Also, include questions, vocabulary words you are not familiar with, along with any other information you find relevant.  Feel free to summarize or paraphrase chapter 4 in your own words but also include your point of view and opinion. Your notes may be typed, written, or recorded. If there is another way you would like to submit your notes please reach out to me prior to submitting. I am looking forward to some discussion about chapter 4. 

chicano studies

Title: The Evolution of Social Media and its Impact on Society

Instructions and rubric for paper will be attached. I will also attach 1 reading from each week 1-5, so just make sure you use quotes from at least 4/5 of these. Again, the rest of the specifics of this assignment is attached. NO AI and NO PLAGIARISM.