Childhood Stress

“The Impact of Childhood Stress on Mental and Physical Health: A Review of Current Research”

This paper must be APA style and include a Title page, Abstract, and Reference page. If you use quotation marks or quote word for word (verbatim) you must include the page number in your citation. It looks like this (Rathus, 2014, p.45). Do not use et, al. unless you have cited ALL the authors in an earlier citation. The first time you cite the authors, you must list ALL authors. Then if you use the same study you can use et, all. The Abstract should use language such as, This paper will examine…or This paper will explore, or In this paper I will discuss…. The abstract should tell the reader what you are going to talk about in your paper. It should be one paragraph and centered on the page. The introduction should be general about your topic. Use citations for this. You will most likely be telling the reader about current statistics and describing or defining your topic. 
The body of the paper will discuss current research about your topic. What have researchers found about your topic? Three to four research studies is fine for this. Use academic research articles. The conclusion should use language such as, In conclusion, In sum or Overall, to introduce your reader to the conclusion. I will mark you off for not using this language.
5 pages not including title and reference page
Must be APA style, for example, (Smith, 2017) Use the last names of the authors only, then publication year
Must have a minimum of 5 peer reviewed academic research articles to support the topic. 
These instructions are very vague the topic can be anything to do with how stress effects us as children.