Christian counseling

Title: “Healing Sexual Intimacy in Marriage: Treatment Plans for Three Different Couples”

God has designed sexual intimacy as a gift to be enjoyed in marriage. However, some couples struggle with intimacy. Select one of the fictional case studies below and explain your treatment plan for helping them. Please use at least two external citations in your post.
Case Study 1  – Ben and Susan are newly married and in their 60s. Ben is a widower and Susan is divorced and has been single for many years. Susan reports that they lack sexual intimacy in marriage. Ben does not initiate and Susan reports being rejected when she pursues. She suspects there may be some physical problems but is not sure what to do.
Case Study 2 – Tim and Amy have been married for 10 years and have three children, the youngest being a baby. Amy reports struggling with body image, fatigue, and desire for intimacy as she feels touched out from the children. The couple is struggling with time or energy for intimacy.
Case Study 3 – Mike and Jenna are newlyweds who have been married less than a year. Jenna has discovered some inappropriate pictures and websites on Mike’s phone. She has expressed that she feels betrayed and he likely cheated on her. How would you help this couple?

Christian counseling

“Integrating Research in Counseling: A Final Paper on Marriage and Family Counseling”

Paper: Final Assignment Instructions
gathering research information and beginning to organize it, you will fully
explain and express information in a written and logical manner. Within the
field of counseling, you will be given a plethora of information that needs to
be interpreted, sifted, and studied.  The
skill of taking in information, reprocessing, and then communicating
effectively are qualities that can make a good counselor.  The Research Paper: Final Assignment
is a chance for you to not only learn through the research, but intake and
incorporate it into your bank of knowledge. 
It is a wonderful opportunity for you to practice relating information
subjectively as you relate research findings.
You will write an 8-page Research Paper on a major topic
approved by your instructor and found within your course textbooks. You will
choose a topic and augment your research by using at least 8 professional
references in addition to the textbook and the Bible. Papers will be graded on
the basis of content, clarity, flow, use of resources, interpretations, and
conclusions. Citations are expected to be used liberally. See the Research
Paper: Final Grading Rubric and the requirements below to assess grading priorities
before beginning this Research Paper: Final Assignment.
Research Paper: Final Assignment Requirements:
8 pages (does not
include title page and reference page).
Current APA
approved font.
Written in current APA
Written in 3rd person
point of view.
Address a topic that is
applicable to the course textbooks and the field of marriage and family
Personal testimonies are
not an acceptable topic. This paper must address a topic or issue that can be
academically researched.
Title page and reference
page are required, all adhering to current APA format.
Must have a minimum of 8
outside sources published within the past 5 years and also include references
to the textbook and the Bible.
Note: A total of 10
sources are needed. Outside sources should be peer-reviewed journal articles or
books written on the topic.
References must be
properly cited in the body of the paper, as well as on the reference page,
using current APA format.
Refer to the Research
Paper: Final Grading Rubric for additional detailed requirements.
Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism

Christian counseling

“Research Paper: Title Page, Outline, and Reference Page Assignment for Mental Health Field”

Paper: Title Page, Outline, and Reference Page Assignment Instructions
and clarity of thought are key components when processing information and vital
within the mental health field. 
Supporting key thoughts is crucial to helping others since up-to-date
research has the ability to provide hope and healing for many when implemented
in an effective manner.  You will utilize
this Research Paper: Title Page, Outline, and Reference Page Assignment
to organize information discovered through your research.  The outline will provide a skeleton of solid
research as the foundation used for your Research Paper: Final Assignment.
preparation for the final submission of the Research Paper: Final Assignment,
you will submit the Research Paper: Title Page, Outline and Reference Page
Assignment. This Research Paper: Title Page, Outline, and Reference Page
Assignment requires you to focus on current APA format, therefore it is
essential that you adhere to the standards of the current APA manual when
formatting your work. A total of 8 outside sources are needed in addition to
your textbook and the Bible. Outside sources may be peer-reviewed journal
articles or books written on the topic.
Review the following requirements before submitting this Research Paper: Title Page, Outline, and
Reference Page Assignment:
Must be submitted as a
Microsoft Word document, adhering to current APA format.
Title page must include
all necessary information according to the 7th edition, APA manual.
Using current APA format, you will create a Working Outline of
the Body of your paper as the next step towards your Research Paper: Final
Assignment.  Write 1-3 sentences
per point and subpoint with research reference support cited per current
APA format.  Include all sources listed
in your Reference Page.  See the format
A. Main point 1 
1. Supporting evidence
2.  Connect
to next point/research finding
Main point 2
1. Supporting evidence
Connect to next point/next research finding
Main point 3
1.Supporting evidence
2. Connect to next point/research finding
*You may include more
points/subpoints if necessary.
Your reference page must
be formatted correctly (alphabetical order, double spaced, etc.) and include a
minimum of 8 outside sources published within the past 5 years, in addition to
your course textbook and the Bible. When writing your paper, you must be sure
to utilize in-text citations that include the specific version of the Bible
that is being referenced.
Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via
the Turnitin plagiarism tool.