CJ3170: Criminal Justice Research Methods

Research Proposal: Examining the Impact of Community Policing on Crime Rates in Urban Areas Purpose: The purpose of this research proposal is to investigate the effectiveness of community policing in reducing crime rates in urban areas. Community policing is a widely used strategy

I need the methods section done for my research proposal. I was tasked with creating a proposal for a (hypothetical) future research that I will be conducting on a topic. I have already done my essay (I will attatch it) and am now supposed to do a revised methods section 3 pages in length double spaced on this research proposal that includes a Purpose, Methods, and Conclusion. My professor gave a Methods Cheat Sheet which includes very precise instructions for how it must be done. You need to cite definitions from our text book (which I will attatch). You may also need to use the textbook to get information/definitions of teminolgy needed to complete this. All can be found easily in the textbook titled Research Methods
and CRIMINOLOGY which I have attatched. I have already started this revised methods section off so far and will give you what I have so far which you will work off.