communication in sports

“Exploring Race and Ethnicity in Sport: A Critical Analysis of Media Representation”

read the chapter and article and take notes. You will write a summary of the readings and the main takeaways and post it in the discussion board.
Read Chapter 7: Race & Ethnicity in Sport
Read Article: Van Sterkenburg, J., Knoppers, A., & De Leeuw, S. (2010). Race, ethnicity, and content analysis of the sports media: A critical reflection. Media, Culture & Society, 32(5), 819-839.

communication in sports

Title: Crisis Communication in the NFL: An Analysis of the Ray Rice Scandal

Choose a crisis that has occurred in sport in the last ten years. Do some research on the crisis and the communication of the organization and/or individual involved. Write an analysis of the effectiveness of communications operations, as well as an analysis of tools and strategies used with respect to the handling of the crisis. Additionally, include whether there are any legal issues from class that may apply to the crisis situation in terms of communication.
Students must provide suggestions for future strategies that could be utilized. Students must utilize concepts and principles from course discussions, readings, and lecture materials and cite them in their work.

communication in sports

Title: The Importance of Public Relations for Athletic Directors: Insights from a Qualitative Study

After reading the assigned academic article, “Integrated impression management in athletics: A qualitative study of how NCAA Division I athletics directors understand public relations,” respond to the questions below
1. Why is public relations an essential function for an AD?
2. Explain how ADs understand public relations in the context of image, message, and action/interaction.
3. What do the findings mean for how ADs view public relations? What are two specific action steps an AD could take to effectively manage public relations for their athletic department?