communication study

Title: The Place of Rhetorical Criticism in the Field of Communication Studies

Discussion prompts:
Considering this week’s chapter and lecture, in your own words, define “rhetoric” in the context of the discipline of communication studies and explain your definition. Next, provide at least one original example of something a comm. rhetorician may study, and an example of something a rhetorician would definitely not study. Explain each.
Some quantitatively based communication scholars argue that rhetoric and rhetorical criticism doesn’t belong in the discipline of communication studies because rhetorical research doesn’t produce numerically verifiable truths about human communication.
Using course content (textbook, lecture, and additional course materials), make a case for whether you think rhetorical criticism should or shouldn’t be included in the field of communication studies. Your answer to this question must be at least one full (6-8 sentence) paragraph. Your response must focus on the “why” behind your answer and should include in-text citations to the text and this week’s lecture. This should take time to think out and write, so don’t rush your response. Note: there is no “right” answer to this question. Many scholars in the field of COMM studies actively argue about the place of rhetorical studies in the discipline, so know that I’m only looking for strong explanation and rationale.