Communications and Media

The Role of Paratexts in Media Franchises: A Case Study of the Marketing and Merchandising of Marvel’s Avengers: Endgame

Choose an official extension of a media franchise that you’re familiar with, such as a film, TV season, comic, or novel and analyze its paratexts using concepts discussed throughout the class. Your analysis should focus on either:
official marketing/promotional paratexts (trailers, posters, web marketing, publicity, packaging and bonus features, etc.)
official merchandising paratexts (clothing, toys, free swag, exclusives, product tie-ins, etc.)
For example, you could analyze the promotional campaign for the upcoming Star Wars: Outlaws video game, or merchandise and clothing licensed to promote the animated Garfield movie.
Spend time closely examining as many examples as you can find, and consider these kinds of questions as you develop your thesis: What narrative, economic, and cultural functions do these paratextual materials serve? How do they frame the primary text they are attached to, and shape audience expectations or interpretations? What aspects of the main text do they highlight, and what do they leave out? How are they situated in relation to the wider media franchise, and how do they negotiate “difference and deference” (Johnson)? What connections do they establish between different parts of the franchise?
Your analysis should be grounded in concepts we’ve discussed in class, in particular the weeks on paratexts, franchise media production, and media mix, and should directly reference the course readings to demonstrate your understanding. Additional sources outside of the course readings are not required but may be helpful as you develop your ideas.
This should be structured as an academic essay with a thesis related to the role of paratexts in media franchises. Make sure to pay attention to the particular formal and aesthetic properties of your chosen paratexts and analyze a few specific examples to illustrate your observations. (You may want to focus on a recent case study so that you can access the relevant paratexts easily.)
Cite your sources properly and include a Works Cited page. Submit as a PDF (double-spaced, 12pt Times New Roman, 2.54cm margins) via Quercus.
3 and 4 are in the files

Communications and Media

Title: “Dancing with Fandom: An Analysis of Fan Creation and Participation in the Just Dance Franchise”

Choose an unofficial fan creation or phenomenon (fan fiction, fan film, mash-up, cross-over, fan wiki, cosplay, etc.) based on a media franchise (or multiple franchises) that you’re familiar with and analyze it using concepts discussed throughout the class. For example, you could examine a classic Star Trek fan fic, a Dark Souls fan wiki, or a community of Frozen cosplayers.
Look closely at your examples, and think about these questions as you develop your thesis: What are fan creators doing with the franchise in your chosen object, and why? Are they affirmational and “compliant” with the forms and conventions of the franchise, or do they transform, adapt, and challenge them? What purposes does this fan work serve? How was it received in the fan communities that surround this franchise? How do the copyright holders and official creators/author figures of this franchise respond to fandom and unofficial fan works?
Your analysis should be grounded in concepts we’ve discussed in class, in particular the weeks on franchise media production, fan cultures, and fan conventions, and should directly reference the course readings to demonstrate your understanding. Additional sources outside of the course readings are not required, but may be helpful as you develop your ideas.
This should be structured as an academic essay with a thesis related to the dynamics of media franchise fandom. Make sure you give specific examples from your chosen object to support your analysis, and address its particular formal and aesthetic properties, as well as contextual factors to help the reader understand the fandom you’re analyzing.
Cite your sources properly and include a Works Cited list. Submit as a PDF (double-spaced, 12pt Times New Roman, 2.54cm margins) via Quercus.
**PS. I already decide the website for you to analyze:
However, if you’re unfamiliar with this game or find it difficult to write, you may come up with your own idea.
Make sure you need to incorporate the idea that the readings covered.

Communications and Media

“Exploring the Art of Cinematic Storytelling: An Analysis of Film Techniques”

This paper will be graded on how well your ideas are organized and expressed. A quality paper must have a central thesis on the subject matter. Please talk about the film techniques used 

Communications and Media

“Analyzing the Impact of MLK’s “I Have a Dream” Speech on Civil Rights”

You can pick the text, I was thinking of doing one of MLK speeches or Malcolm X. I think a historical speech might be the easiest option here let me know what you think or come up with, thank you.

Communications and Media

Title: “Exploring the Power Dynamics of Race and Class in Education: A Critical Analysis of the Readings”

Students are expected to write weekly memo posts using provided reading questions as a guideline. A good memo post will explain the main argument of the texts, the steps the author takes to reach them, and will demonstrate strong engagement with the texts, as indicated through citing texts, explaining citations and their significance for arguments, and/or paraphrasing specific arguments and examples provided by authors in clear and precise language. Memo posts must be at least 500 words long.
I have attached the reading in the attach files

Communications and Media

“Not Alone at the Beach: A Reflection on the Sexual Assault Workshop”

Attending the Not Alone at the Beach workshop on Sexual Assault
no oustide sources 
Write me a 1 page write-up on write up of what you learned and experienced, and how it can help you in your daily life. 
Not Alone at the Beach workshop Sexual Assault 
Mention you learned about the services SERVICES
• Counseling
• Case management
• Advocacy
• Crisis Intervention
• 24 Hour Hotline 877-943-5778
• Hospital Accompaniments
• Community Education and you found that really helpful because it’s important to know there resources in our community. Then mentioned we watched a YouTube clip of trans people and their experience with  sexual assault and how horrific it was and mind blowing and no one should ever experience that . You also learned about SEXUAL VIOLENCE AND IDENTITYand their satistics were very sad and concerning to you. 
Some reports estimate that transgender individuals may experience rates of sexual assault up
10 00/0
Up to 83% of women with developmental disabilities have been victims of sexual assault
Some studies have found that 40-60% of Black girls in America experience child sexual abuse 61% of bisexual women experience rape, physical violence, or stalking by an intimate partner, compared to 35% of heterosexual women
Native Americans are more likely to experience sexual violence than any other racial or ethnic group, and disproportionately likely to be assaulted by a stranger
32% of transgender African Americans have been sexually assaulted in police custody or jail
For every white woman that does report her rape, at least 5 other white women do not report theirs; but, for every African-American woman that does report her rape, at least 15 other African-American women do not report theirs
22% of homeless transgender individuals were assaulted while staying in shelters
60% of sexual violence in prison is perpetrated by inmate staff
Mention how you also learned UNDERSTANDING TRAUMA
We have limited control over how we react in a traumatic situation.
fight or flight
These are SURVIVAL responses, based on the body’s instinct to PROTECT us.
freeze or appease tend and befriend mention you didn’t know We have limited control over how we react in a traumatic situation. What I leaned was the reality Most survivors (over 80%) already knew the person who assaulted them. that satistic was sad but not surprising because you know people who have been victims of sexual assault and they have known the individual. I also learned about what is WHAT IS VICTIM-BLAMING?
“Victim-blaming is the attitude which suggests that the victim rather than the perpetrator bears responsibility for the assault.
It is never the victim’s fault.” and no I will do my best to have this awareness and share this with others because it’s important at the end of the day it’simportnt to report sexual assault and after the presentation I have a new profound awareness and I want to share this with other around me and inform those who might not know what I know. I’m very happy to have taken this workshop because this is vital to know our resources and ultimately know we aren’t alone 

Communications and Media

Declaration of Summary for “The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Modern Society” Introduction: The introduction provides an overview of the paper’s topic, which is the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in modern society. It briefly touches on the benefits and concerns

The following paper has been questioned as being AI generated. 
First thing first, please read through the paper.
You need to write a declaration that includes a summary in your own words of what ideas are stated in each section (it doesn’t have to be long). Especially the sections that have been labeled. This declaration will most likely be used in a defense with your professor, so please take it seriously.

Communications and Media

“Uncovering the Truth: A Fact-Check of the News Report on Global Media” Overview: The news report titled “Global Media: The Impact on Society” by XYZ News Network discusses the role of global media in shaping society and its potential

Assignment 4: Fact-Checking
Due: Week 8
Worth: 25%
Word count: 1,000 words (10% leeway appplies)
Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to learn how to manage, evaluate, and interpret sources of information relevant to issues in global media. Students are invited to utilise strategic and interdisciplinary thinking to analyse media texts.
Task: Using the outline below as a guide, apply skills and concepts covered in our Unit to produce an 1,000-word Fact-Check. It should correct false or misleading facts, identify and analyse bias, and evaluate the overall reliability of the news report attached.
Your Fact-Check must include the following sections (think of it more like a report than an essay):
Sources consulted
Verification and Corrections of the factual content.
Identification and analysis of any instances of bias or misleading content
The Fact Check should employ an objective writing style.
A template for the presentation will be provided.
Samples of fact-checks will be presented in class during week 5 to ensure you are completing the task correctly.

Communications and Media

Title: Conflict Resolution and Assertive Communication in Small Group Settings

Please read Chapter 9 Group Communication Chapter 7-Sections 6 & 7 and answer the following questions:
Think of a time in which there was conflict in your small group. What was the nature of the conflict, what was the conflict type, and how could it have been mitigated?  
Using the 5 components to construct an assertive message, Convert the following messages into assertive messages. 
Your presentation slides don’t look as good as the rest of the team’s. You have to redo them. 
You left confidential papers on the printer again. Is it too much trouble to pick up after yourself? 
You always get to decide our project theme! The rest of us would like a chance too.  
You’re always late to our meetings, but it’s okay we’ll pick up the slack.
ch 9
ch 7, section 6,7

Communications and Media

Title: Exploring the Impact of Music Festivals: A Qualitative Study Through Interviews

For this research project I already have a decent part written out. However the Method and Analysis needs to be different. Basically for this assignment I had to “interview” 3 people about music festivals and I have a question sheet I attached. I have two of them filled out which is Diego and Alain, however I need you to come up with one more random person to “interview” and fill out the question sheet. So the Method section is talking about different things that the interviewee’s had in common and things that they didn’t in relation to their answer. You don’t have to site the interviewer’s name if you are pulling a quote or stating something they said, just refer to them as their name. The analysis section is talking about the data and what you got from the interiews and then you have to relate that to the theme’s that I have written out. For the Lit Review section I need you to add on to it and talk about the theories more. Overall, I need the whole research so that being the lit review and the analysis of the interviews to flow and reflect the overall themes and thesis of the research project. Right now it’s 11 pages not including the sources page so if you could add on that would be great.
Thank you so much!
This is the structure
Instructions also attached
Intro (Proposal)
Theory (Lit. Review)